Chapter 10: Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: the Hide Behind

Start from the beginning

A loud creak and we all turned our heads at the sound, all of us but Manly Dan, who was occupied looking of in the distance. The tree that Dan's sons were cutting down started to fall.

"DAD!" his oldest son shouted as the three of them started running away from it.

"It's comin' down!" his middle son exclaimed, but they were ignored.

"DADDY'S DOIN' A MOVIE! He's doin' a movie now." He shouted back, not even bothering to turn around. The tree fell on a shack, where I suppose they had their tools and material needed for their work.

"Well... I think we've got everything we need..." Clara said nervously while starting to pack our things "We... We've got to go." She turned around and we all started running away from him, afraid that he might be angry with us because of what had happened to his shack.

When we reached the parking lot in front of Lazy Susan's we stopped running to catch our breath, before entering to interview Lazy Susan herself. We positioned ourselves and started recording, repeating what we had done with Manly Dan. Clara hit the recording button of the camera and Mabel held the cardboard with Lazy Susan's information 'Lazy Susan. Waitress / Smells like onions'.

Gray mustache man Can I get a refill ma'am? Refill?" A man with a gray moustache said to her, but she ignored him and continued pouring an overflowing a cup of coffee.

"Oh, the Hide Behind is definitely real. He might even be behind me right now! Let me see..." She started turning around and around while making some kid of siren sound saying 'Whoa'. This continued for two minutes and the man of the moustache looked at the camera while raising his hands. We bid her goodbye, but she continued turning around and spilling coffee as she did so.

"Okay... That was weird." I laughed as we made our way back to the shack to interview Stan, who we supposed had to be awake by now. Clara started imitating Lazy Susan while Mabel imitated the moustache man, making us all laugh.

"Are you sure we should interview Stan?" Dipper asked me after we stopped laughing.

"Of course! I think he's one of the most sensible people in this town. You know... Most of them are a bit..." I put my finger on my temple and whistled as I moved it.

"Hey, that's not true!" Mabel exclaimed looking at me and putting her hands on her hips "For example, Grenda and Candy are perfectly fine!"

"Just what I meant." I looked at Dipper while gesturing at his sister.

After that we continued walking until we reached the shack, where we found Stan sitting in a sofa, while drinking a can of Pitt.

"Hey! Back so soon?" He asked us when we got near him.

"Actually no. Grunkle Stan, can we ask you what you know about the Hide Behind?!" Mabel asked him excitedly and Stan shrugged, saying that he didn't know a thing.

We positioned ourselves for the third time and Dipper showed the cardboard ('Grunkle Stan. Great uncle / Mediocre boss') and I held the camera.

"Don't believe every legend you hear, kid. The people in this town are literally the dumbest people in the world. Literally." Stan started talking with a tired voice "The Hide Behind's just a rumor. You want a mystery? How about the mystery of why- "Something dark run behind Stan and into some bushes. Making us gasp in surprise.

"That's it!" Dipper exclaimed snatching the camera from my hands and running after it.

"Hey, we're doin' an interview here! Kid!" Stan shouted at him as Mabel called his name.

After half an hour he came back to the shack running and made us follow him to where he was sure the Hide Behind was. But it wasn't there, so we had to continue walking and following the sounds it was making. We reached a tiny tree in the middle of a clearing, if the thing was behind the tree it was impossible for it to escape.

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