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Hongbin's POV

I sighed loudly before groaning out loud and place my head in the palms of my hands.

I was focusing on whatever the hell i am doing until suddenly i heard my phone rings.

"What?!"I snapped at the person on the phone.

"There's a kid here who wants to be the new butler."He said and i growl.

"I thought that i said i don't need a new one already.But whatever,just bring him up."I growl,without giving any chance for him to reply me,i hung up.

Well i definitely won't be needing a new butler that's for sure.But i think it's nice to give the whoever person some hopes up then i'll just bring hi-

*Knock* *Knock*

Well then,this is going to be fun.

I stand up from the office chair where i'm currently sitting,and walked to the door.

"Who are you?"I said in a 'who tf are you on my house don't you realize i'm the boss here' tone.

"Uuummm...i'm here for the butler job?"He said nervously,trying his best not to look up.

"Oh,so you're the one who wanna be the new butler.Well get in."I said sternly and i see him shiver under my voice.

I sitted on my office chair while hd stand infront of the table akwardly may i add.I can literally feel him checking me out while i'm trying my best not to smirk and it worked.

"Alright let's start with the easiest question,what's your name?"I started with a hint of annoyance on my tone.

When he looked like he's about to piss on his pants,i took this chance to check him out.

He's okay...but definitely not my type.I can already see that he really needs this job as his cloth looks like he hasn't wash it for years.

His tiny figure is visibly trembling under my sight and i mentally smirked when i realize that he's scared of me.

(A/N:Small note,Hyuk's body size will be definitely smaller compared to his real body size.Maybe...170-175?IDK!Just think of his height reaching up to Hongbin's chest.)

Good,he should be.

"My name is Han Sanghyuk,but i prefer Hyuk."He said and i nodded while i writting some of his informations on a piece of paper.

Hyuk.Cute name he has.


I mentally laugh because this kid....definitely caught my attention.With his tiny figure and how he's trembling under my stare,he definitely attracted something on me.

"And where do you live?"I asked and i can see sweats started forming on his forehead.

Am i really that scary?

You should definitely see yourself in the mirror and ask the same thing.

I swear sometimes those voices are so annoying.I see him growing more nervous than before while i wait impatiently for his answer,but i admit,his answer did suprised me.

"I'm...homeless....."He said quietly but i heard it loud and clear.


How could a kid like him be homeless?

Come to think of that....he is definitely very thin.I tried to keep my emotions and just continued on the next question.

"How old are you?"I asked him without even looking at him.

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