"Hey, Peter." She gives me a quik hug. "Well, it seems that the weather is very upset." She pulls a face that makes me laugh.

"I guess so." I chirp.

"KELLY!!" Emily yells from the kitchen. I roll my eyes. She always acts like she saw Kelly like a month or two ago. Emily races around the corner and crashes into Kelly with a suffocating hug.

"It's... nice... to... see... you... to" Kelly says through her laughs. I could just listen to her laughs all day. She has the voice of an angel.

Emily pulled away and smiled at Kelly.

"Listen, Emily, I quikly need to talk to Peter, please." She says. Emily nods and scips away. I chuckle. Emily can be so childish sometimes. "Come on!" Befor I could regester what is going on someone pulls me up the stairs. And that someone is Kelly.

We walk to my room and She closes the door behind her.

"So, you wanted to talk to me." I say. I turn around to look at her. She is holding a letter in her hands.

"It's a letter from Juliard." She says, looking down at the letter.

"And? What does it say?" I ask. She lookes up at me. My eyes finds her blue ones and we stare at eachother for a moment. "You didn't open it yet, did you?"

She shakes her head. "I'm scaared for what is going to stand in it." She says.

"Well... Then I will open it." I reach for the letter but she snaches it away.

"No." She states bluntly. "I will open the letter." She rips open the envelope and takes out a piece of paper. She unfolds the paper and starts to read. Her eyes flys over the letter. When she is finished, her left hand is on her mouth and she is staring at me with a shocked expression. Then she starts to squeel and jump up and down.

"What does it say?" I ask and she hands me a letter. As I read my eyes grows large. A scholership? At Juilliard? "Wow." I is all I could get out.

Kelly lookes at me with a happy face. Her eyes are twinkleing and her smile is as bright as the sun.

"Kelly, this is amazing! For what did you get the schollarship?" I ask, but I probably already know the answer to the question.

"My danceing." She says. "I never thought that they would actually do this! I mean, this is a dream come true! I allways wanted to go to Juilliard, but we never had the money for it!" She looks at me with a big smile, but as soon as her eyes reaches mine, her smile falters.

I frown. Tears are glistering in her eyes. "Kelly, what's wrong?"

"If I go, I would have to leave you behind." A stray tear escaped her eye and is now rolling down her cheek. I reach out my hand and wipe it away.

"Kelly, I don't care that you would have to leave me. As long as you are happy. And I also did some reasearch about ather universatys in New York. I applied to a few, but they didn't accept me yet... they should let me know at the end of next week." I smile softly and wrap my arms around her waist.

"It would be nice if we could both go to New York together." She rests her head on my chest. We stay like this for a minute or two, before she pulls away.

She looks at me in the eyes. Her blue eyes is so mezmerising, I don't even notice that we are leaning in. Just as our lips are about to make contact the thunder decides to chime in.

The thunder is ear deafening, indicating that it is ver close. Kelly whimpers and run to the window to close the curtains. Another lightning strike makes her jump away from the window and into the bed. Yes. Into the bed.

She hides her head under the covers, not daring to peek out. I frown and walk over to the bed.

"Kelly?" I ask. The worry is clear in my voice. I pick up the covers and look at a very frightened Kelly, curled up into a ball. "Are you afraid of lightning?" She looks up at me and then nods her head very eagerly.

I pick the covers up further and climb into the bed with her. I wrap my arms around her. She snuggles closer to me and burries her face into my neck. I breate in her sweet strawberry scent. Everytime the thunder sounds, she jumps a little. I think she has atraphobia. The fear of lightning.

"Kelly... the lightning can't hurt you." I soothed and later we fell asleep in eachothers arms.


Well... I updated.... FINALLY!

I am soooo sorry that I took soooooooooooooo long to update but yah... I have other things going on aswell...

Well I really hope that you guys like the chapter...

Please vote and leave a comment if you want to!


Stay awesome guys!!

Yours truely,



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