Chp 61 Warning and Nightmares

Start from the beginning

They nodded in unison.

" When are you guys getting married?" William asked.

" Next year's spring." I grinned.

Charles nodded and about to ask but shook his head.

" Bella is a stubborn girl, please, keep her safe." Eric almost begged me. I nodded.

" So you guys approved me and Bella?" I asked warily.

They laughed." We never disapprove you, Cullen. Even if she marries a thug, we won't object. We just want her to be happy."

Eric fold his well built arms and there is an awkward silent.

" Um... I am in a dream right?" I fidgeted uncomfortably. They chuckled lightly" Yes."

" Oh, I remembered. " Charles straighten up.

" You almost broke her up once." he narrowed his eyes at me. The others copied him.

I smiled sheepishly, almost forgotten it." Yeah," I scrubbed my neck nervously" she.. Um.."

" She has many allergies, you better take good care of her, Cullen." Cameron said sternly

" For us," William added and he nodded.

" Can you... Did you have a picture of her?" Eric asked.

" Um, yeah. " I dug for my wallet and pulled out a picture of Bella smiling sweetly and gave it to them.

" Aww. She grown up, brothers." Cameron smiled.

" She is not our baby anymore." William sniffed." She is an angel." Eric grinned.

" She is an angel from heaven." I nodded.

" I miss her," Charles sighed, clutching the photo.

" You can keep it of you want, I got tons." I smiled.

They looked up at me and smiled too" Thank you, Edward."

Suddenly, they cocked their head to aside and smiled." We need to go, Edward. Bella needs you. Protect and love her. Nice meeting you." They got up, I followed them and watched them as they floated away.

" Nice to meet you too." I breathed out. They tilted their heads back slightly and I saw them smile.

" Bye, Edward. Take care of my sister." Eric grinned." And you too." Charles added.

And they were gone.

" No! Daddy! Cam! Don't! " I heard my angel's voice called out. " huh?" I turned around, expecting Bella to be here but she isn't,

" No!" she cried out. My head suddenly hurts and I fell into conscious.

" NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Bella yelled beside me. I opened my eyes, groaning in pain but stopped when I saw Bella thrashing around. Sweating.

I sat up and shook her gently." Bella? Baby? Wake up."

She opened her watery eyes and cried. I pulled her into a hug and I carefully laid back as she laid on my chest.

" Ed-Edward..." she clutched me tighter to her body.

" I am here. It's just a dream, sweetheart. A nightmare. Nothing else." I soothed her. After some minutes, she quiet down a bit but still sniffing and gasping.

" Baby? I am going to get up now. " I kissed her head. She looked up and her watery chocolate eyes stared panicking at me." No. Don't leave me, Edward."

It hurts me to see her in pain and gasping for my name. " Sure, I will take you." I carried her like a baby to the bathrooms and place her gently on the counter.

I took a small towel and wet it, wiping the sweats off Bella's face.

" Love? I am going to undress you to clean you, is that okay?" I asked her, she nodded and undressed herself. I wet the cloth again and scrubbed her body gently.

" Thank you, Edward." she muffled softly. I smiled.

I gave her my clean shirt and she wore them.

" Can you tell me what you had dreamt?" I asked her softly and looked at her in the eyes.

She sniffed " I saw my family eaten by bears." she said quietly and I hugged her.

" I should have told them not to go but I didn't! I even pushed them to go!" she sobbed.

" Baby, it's okay." I tried to sooth her.

" No, Edward! It's not! " she tried pushing me away with weak shoves.

" Bella. I am here. Don't push me away." I mumbled.

" I am sorry, Edward." she sniffed. I smiled and kissed her forehead

" Let's get you back to sleep, Okay?" I pulled back slightly. She nodded and I carried her back to bed and she laid on me.

Bella ever so feeble.

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