Usually Madison would be seated in the middle of Sophia and Ruby, but today Sophia had went home early due to not feeling well, so there was a spare seat next to Madison that she hoped nobody would fill.

The rest of the class filed in, rapidly filling up the seats. The back row of seats where probably about 90% of the boys in the class would sit. They boys sat down pulling chairs from other spaces in the classroom to add to the mob at the back.

The teacher started talking only grabbing half of the classes' attention, some noticing but not bothering to take their attention off of their phones. "Today you have got a test," the whole class groaned at this, "and the boys up the back you need to move, there is not room for 12 of you when there is only 6 seats."

Nobody moved until the teacher became more stern. Madison had placed her bag on the seat next to her, hoping it would send a message to say to anybody not to sit next to her. "Madison, please put your bag on the floor, this seat will probably be needed by one of the boys." Mr Quentin said, which resulted in Madison rolling her eyes, grudgingly complying anyway.

Within 3 seconds of Madison moving her bag the place had already been taken by a boy named Jack. When Jack pulled out the seat Madison was shocked to see out of the corner of her eye, someone else sliding into the seat before Jack even had a chance to sit down, bumping into Madison in the process.

Madison turned her head briefly to the side to see who had taken the spot, scowling when she saw it was Daniel. Madison quickly turned her head back to the front of the class, reaching down to her pocket and pulling out her headphones.

Madison's could hear there was a small argument next to her over the seat between Jack and Daniel, but it didn't last long and Jack soon moved to somewhere else. Soon the teacher had come around handing out a test paper to everyone and Madison just like everyone else in her class had quietened down and started trying to do the test. Madison was just aiming for a passing grade.

Madison had just finished the multiple choice part of her test. Now halfway through, she briefly looked up and around the class, looking beside her quick enough and seen Daniel duck his head back down.

She put her head back down and started to continue her answers on some bullshit about Dinosaurs and prehistoric shit that she would never use in her life. Madison felt a tap on her arm and slightly turned her head in the direction of Daniel who slipped a small piece of paper folded in half on her paper.

Madison raised an eyebrow questioningly, but Daniel just looked down at the paper and back to Madison's eyes, like he was trying to tell her to open it. She looked back at the paper hesitantly, and decided to open it, not like she had anything to lose.

Are you doing anything after school today?

Madison picked her pen back up and quickly wrote an answer underneath.


She slid the note back to Daniel and wrote an answer to the next question in her test.

Could you meet me at the park at 4.

Madison thought about her answer this time, if she was asked yesterday she would have said yes right away, but now she wasn't so sure. She couldn't use the excuse that she was meeting up with Madeline cause that was tomorrow.


Madison couldn't even be bothered to create an excuse. What was the point? Madison slid the note back to Daniel and out of the corner of her eye watched Daniel's reaction.

Daniel seemed shocked to have somebody say no to him, and he quickly scribbled back a reply and handed it back to her.

Oh come on, please. I wanna talk to you.

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