On the road with baby

Start from the beginning

"My arms are asleep." Diana whispered to me.

"Then give her to me," I said as I took my sleeping skeleton.

"Thank you." She whispered.

The photographer came up to us.

"Fate and Sage it's an honor to meet you too." She said.

"It's nice to meet you too." Diana said as she shook her hand.

I moved Pistol to my left arm so I could shake her hand.

"This is your daughter?" The photographer asked.

"Yes, this is Pistol." I said, I took the Blakey and her hood off.

"She's precious," she said.

"Thank you." Diana said.

"Well let's get you two started on those makeovers." She said.

They dyed my hair white again. And dyed Diana's hair black. I still held Pistol while they worked.

Pistol was awake by the time we had to go to wardrobe.

When we were dressed the photographer explained to us how the photos would go.

"So I got inspiration from the band jacket you wore a few years ago, when your hair was white. And the dress Fate wore to that award show. So Sage your going to hold Fate in a bridal hold. Fate rest your head against him, but act limp."

"I think I can manage that." Diana said.

I picked her up and held her close to me like I would Pistol.


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"Beautiful." The photographer said.

We had four more outfit changes. My favorite photo would have to be one with Diana and Pistol. Diana held Pistol, and I held the two in my arms. My forehead resting on Diana's.

When we finished, we left and went and got ready for the concert.

We wore the same thing we'd worn to the photo shoot.

Diana put a skeleton shirt on, so we would match.

"Am I the only one who finds it adorable, that Sage and Fare are matching?" Devon asked

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"Am I the only one who finds it adorable, that Sage and Fare are matching?" Devon asked.

"Pistol is also a little skeleton today." Gerard pointed out.

"So the Scheaves are all matching." Devon said.

"Do you all want to see Pistol?" Diana asked.

The audience was screaming.

Diana went off and got Pistol. She was still in her skeleton onesie.

The audience screamed louder. Pistol started crying. Diana rushed off with her.

"Alright you've got to be quiet so You don't scare Pistol." I said into my mic.

The audience calmed down, and Diana came back out with Pistol.

She had her show headphones on.

I took Pistol from Diana. Pistol was always shy when we brought her out.

"Do you want to say hi to everyone?" I asked them held the mic to Pistol. "Hi," she barely said.

"Her first words." Diana exclaimed.

I kissed Pistol.

"Y'all heard it live here. Pistol's first words." I said. I kissed Pistol.

Diana took Pistol.

"Well say by to Pistol, it's her bedtime." I said.

"Bye bye." Diana waved for Pistol.

People kept throwing phones up on the stage.

"You know if you throw your phone up here, we're gonna sell them at a pawn shop." Devon said as he picked up a phone.

"Whose phone is this?" He asked.

"You really should be putting locks on your phone." Devon took a photo of himself and set it as the phone's screen savor.

"Who ever's this is, your mother wants to know where you are." Devon said.

I took it, "I'm at a Fate and Misfits's concert." I narrated as I typed.

"I know but where I can't find you." The mother responded.

"Your child has thrown there phone up on stage." I narrated.

Diana ran over and we took a selfie and sent it to the mother.

"Why throw things up here?" Gerard asked.

A phone came flying out of the audience and hit Gerard in the face.

"Ow," he said as he held his eyebrow. "Am I bleeding?"

He was. "Well thanks a lot," Gerard said.

He walked off to get cleaned up.

"Reason 452 why not to throw your phone at a concert." Kenton said.

When the concert was over, we did an encore. Then went back to the bus to check on Gerard. He was better, the bleeding had stopped. Pistol was asleep on his chest. He'd changed into a different shirt.

"I gave her a bath." Gerard whispered.

"Great job, you've just earned godfather points." I said as I took Pistol.

I put her in her travel crib. And then we all waited for the shower.

A/n: another chapter. Hoped you enjoyed.

Ps I don't own any of the photos used in this chapter.

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