Chapter two Friendship in Mysterious Ways

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I woke up to a swaying motion. I no longer felt the soft inviting ground. I felt like I was being held. I opened my eyes and almost screamed. He looked so much like one of the guards that I know from the castle. I started to try and push away from him.

" Hey calm down you must have hit your head or something. You are dehydrated. We are only a half a mile away from the town." The mysterious man told me.

" You've carried me all this way?" I ask

" Kinda. I had a partner. He held you on horseback for a bit then he took the turn about a half mile back . Been carrying you sense. If you didn't wake up by the time I had gotten you to town I was going to turn you over to the Doc. What's your name by the way?"

Oh god! I can't give him my name. What am I going to say....

" I'm trisha." I said.

" Ok I'm Alexavier but you can call me Alex. " He said.

" Well it's nice to meet you Alexavier but I think that I can walk. Can you please put me down sir?"

"Oh yes. Of course." He said as he put me down lightly.

We walked in silence for a while. I was able to see the town when we finally started talking again.

" So what are you doing all the way out here?" Alexavier asked.

" I'm.. Umm... Just traveling, exploring the world." I said

" You don't look like you are prepared for a long ' exploring the world ' type of trip." He said with a smirk.

" It's just a get away from home see other places type of trip." I said smiling trying to make it look like I wasn't squirming under my own skin.

" Oh I get it. I'm doing the same thing. In fact I've started my exploration trip for a couple of days now. I don't live in this town." He said smiling so big. " I live quite a bit away. Like seven miles west from here. In the other kingdom. The kingdom of Yeanwan."

" Oh." Was all I said as I walked into the town called Turnee.

" Well, fair well on your adventure Trisha." He said.

" Farewell to you to sir. Maybe we will meet again one day." I said smiling at the town.

I look back as I walk into the town and he has already vanished. I doubt that I will actually ever meet him again. No thinking of that now though right now I need to find a place to sleep. One of the inns might work. I have enough money to take me to the best inn here seven times. So I decided that I would choose the most un-liked inn so I could fit in as a commoner not the royal princess. It was two bucks to get in. I took in the surroundings of the place. It was filthy. When I say filthy I mean that one of the servants would have a heart attack when they saw this....or the rat that scurried across the floor. This is perfect. They will never suspect that I would be here.
The bed was wavy. Like it looked like it had women curves it was that old. I laid down on it and it felt like nothing. I could feel all the springs right through the bed. It must have been like a hour before I fell asleep.

The Fight For Freedom Book #1Where stories live. Discover now