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35. | chapter thirty-five

 | chapter thirty-five

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prison break.


Minutes later, everyone in the room above the mutants and Moira began to either run around or watch the security footage.

"What are they doing?" Raven asked.

"What's going on?" Moira asked.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Raven yelled up to Stryker who turned away.

Moments later, the people up above began to run to the right, with some of them holding either their hands or their guns up. "Hey! Stay where you are!" Gun shots sounded and thumping noises could be heard.

Lydia decided to fly up towards the top so that she could check out the situation. Logan, with a really weird head piece, was running around with new metal-like claws, killing everyone. He then suddenly turned towards Lydia and glared at her.

Lydia smiled lightly and waved, and Logan let out a grunt before running out the room.

Lydia floated back down to the other guys. "What was that?" Moira asked.

"Well, everyone up there is dead," Lydia pointed out. "And...well, I think it was. But I saw Logan killing them all."

"Logan?" Raven, Alex and Moira asked.

"I met him ten years ago," Peter told them.

"Same as Hank and I. He came from the future to help us." Lydia thought back to the man she saw up there. "But, he didn't seem like himself up there. He acted out like an....animal. I wish I could've read his mind to see what was wrong, though."

Seconds later, Kurt's blue face popped up through the window. "Kurt!" Lydia smiled. He began to tell the group something but they couldn't hear him.


Raven pointed to her ear that she couldn't hear anything. "Stay away f...or," Kurt tried to say.

"The what?" Alex asked.

"The...or. Stay awa f.. door." Kurt gestured for them to move over.

"The door!" Peter and Raven yelled out as Peter grabbed onto Lydia's wrist to pull her over. Once everyone was behind Lydia, she let her green magic run across her hands and created a barrier so that they wouldn't get impacted from the blast.

"In three. One. Two."

The door in front of them exploded and stone and rock flew all around the room, hitting the shield that Lydia held up. Lydia smiled as she closed up the shield and everyone began to hurry past her. Peter lightly patted Lydia's shoulder with a smile. "That's my girl," he said and then walked away.

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