Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 24 *Final*

Start from the beginning

I lay on my futon for hours, tossing and turning, worrying about the pink haired girl I love. To think, all this time she had been hiding such a horrid burden… I feel for her. I wish she had just… listened to me. Let me hold her like she would when we were younger. Before she fell in love with that asshole Sasuke.

After that, she became more reserved. And the funny thing is; I let her. I let her go after him, thinking that he would treat her right in the sense that she wouldn’t be so alone anymore.

Then he breaks her damn heart.

I should have never let her go, I should have fought harder for her. And now she’s missing and confused.

Sighing, I punched my pillow and lay back down, forcing my eyes shut.

Just then, I heard my door squeak open and felt my heart pick up.

I knew it was her as soon as she took the first step into my bedroom, walking on her tippy toes in order to keep quiet. She stood in front of me for some time, but I kept my eyes closed, hoping she’d assume I was asleep.

Suddenly, I left her weight flush against my side, her soft sigh sounding right next to my ear.

“Naruto… I love you. I will always love you. I just… can’t go back. We’ll never have what we used to… Bye.” She mumbled, an unheard whimper sounding when she stood up.

Goodbye? Where the hell is she going?

Questions flooded my mind, panic setting in as I heard her walk over to my door. But for some reason, I remained where I was. I couldn’t bring myself to get up and go after her. Will she be safer alone…?

I didn’t get the chance to come up with an answer as my door closed… and Lucy walked out of my life.

Lucy’s P.O.V.

I stood outside of the room Sasuke was currently in… but didn’t go in. After everything, after the years of friendship, the confession of love, the nights spent cooking, laughing, even swimming; gone. And God, it hurt.

I’ve always loved this boy, since we were young and innocent. I still admired him. He was adorable, cool, and collected all the time.

But do I still love him after everything?

I quietly slid his door open, just enough so I could see his sleeping form, back faced away from me. And I stood there, just watching his back go up and down as he breathed in slowly.


But… he doesn’t anymore. How could anyone possibly feel anything towards me after all I’ve done, besides hate or fear? The secret is out… and it’s time for me to move on. I guess that’s just the road people like I have to take… it’s lonely, but at least I won’t make the same mistake again.

I’m a monster. I can’t attach myself anymore.

With that, I closed his door and turned for the front door, where Zabuza will be waiting for me. Where my new life will start…

“What do you expect me to tell the Hokage when I return without you?”

My hand hovered over the door knob; I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Tell him the truth, Kakashi. He won’t be surprised. He’s my Papa… I won’t let him suffer having to watch me die by his hands.” I responded, voice curt.

Please… please just let me go…

He was quiet for a long moment and for a second I thought he had disappeared.

“What about your friends?”

I shook my head, knowing he could see it.

“They aren’t my friends anymore…”

“How is that their fault?” his voice seemed edgy. Desperate.

“It isn’t… that’s why I’m leaving.”


“None of your business, Kakashi.”

He was quiet again.

I mentally calculated how long I’ve been here…about ten minutes. Hopefully Zabuza doesn’t think I’m ratting him out…

“…I’m sorry I couldn’t help you, Lucy… I hope you find what you’re looking for.” His voice was softer.

I finally looked back, looking him over, leaning against the doorway to the bedrooms. His eye was half lidded, glazed over.

“So do I… Thank you Kakashi. For everything. I hope the next time we meet, I’ll be the same person.”

And with that, I left.

I didn’t look back at the house, but knew nobody would come after me. Kakashi had let me go, without a real fight. It was chilly out, but I knew the shudders running down my arms and legs weren’t from the cold.

Zabuza caught me right before I collapsed in a boogery mess, sobbing into his chest. And he let me, didn’t question why I was upset; he already knew.

I’m leaving my friends and family behind for a life I don’t know… My Papa, my brother, the boy I fell in love with, even the home I had… all gone.

This is my life though. And I will get past this.

Find out who and what I really am…

The End… For now.

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