Prologue & chapter 1

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A rowdy path, filled with shimmering sunlight,

passing through the gaps of side road trees.

At the end of road , standing a huge majestic building .

A lithe person with jet black neck length hairs, shrouding his pale neck.

Was walking innocently with a schoolbag in his hands, towards the building.

Without knowing that all his world was going to crash at once.

Well to him it did not matter what the world was going to throw at him.

Since early age to much has happened to him to care for any more pain and misery.

As funny as it could be a person who tolerate everything, will have to continue on doing so and

vice versa for the insolent ones.

Each and every thing happens for a reason unknown to a person. But it makes changes in his for worse or better.

Chapter 1

Women crying helplessly, two children stood at the center of the room.

Staring at their mother helplessly.

A child of two years old seeing his family in distress.

Not knowing what to do? Where to look? What to see?

The women stops crying, shouting at her children to go to sleep.

They at once went inside a room to sleep, without muttering a word.

The women takes a deep sign and went after her children to also sleep.

Since after all they had only her for protection and food.

She had to be strong for her family and for herself.

Sleeping was not hard since the toll of working through out the day left her out dead tired.

She wondered to dreamless sleep.

A soft sobbing could be heard coming from a corner of the room.

The women woke up due to the sound and saw her two year old standing in a corner , crying.

A pain deeper than any chocked her heart, with trembling hands she reached out the child.

When she grabbed and faced the child to her side. She started crying tears of blood.

The child in her hand was not conscious but was crying while sleeping.

She was a very clever women and knew that her two year old was sensitive enough to understand the hard days they were going through .

But what killed her deep inside was that the child who should be clue less of any thing was

worried and unsettled enough to cry. She hugged the sobbing child as if to protect him from the world itself.


Sunlight entered through the open window, the sun in summer always rises early in the morning.
Meaning all the creatures wakeup early and start making noises.

The voices other wise un noticed by most people could be heard by a lithe youth. In his favor he did not had to set up the annoying alarm clock to wake him up.

He stretched his hands to their limits and sprung up like a bunny and stars giggling happily.

The youth was quite unique after all the new generation always like to sleep till the last limit they can.

But he was a early bird , always like to wake up early do his daily ritual of getting up,

stecthing,brushing teeth, taking a bath and venturing out the marvels of the nature.

Today he saw a group of flower fairies cleaning the flowers, watering the plants d taking care of insects.


Flower fairies are the size of an adult hand.

They have cloths that changes color according to the surroundings for better camouflaging.

They have tiny finger length wings.

They are adopted to the dangers of the world.


When he passed by them he sent morning greetings. And continued on his walking through a place somewhat resembeling a forest.

When fairies heard him, they jumped in happiness and started surrounding him.

He giggled happily and lovingly caressed them. The mischievious ones went inside his shirt and licked his sweat in hunger.

The tickling feeling was too much. He tried to stop them but they paid them no heed.

He fell on the path, while trying to stop them. Well did they paid him any heed? Well no and continued on for hours.

A voice came from a distance which frightened the fairies to leave him in peace.

After hours of being tortured he did not have any power left. He laid on the road panting, trying to get enough oxygen to attain enough power to stand up.

A voice quite worried came close to his face. He looked up and blinked twice,


" Like i said, Are you alright ". The voice replied.

"Oh yeah, i am alright just a little tired." He tried to stand up to talk properly but fell down again when touched the stranger nose.

After 5 minutes of hellish waiting a smooth voice called out,

"Escuse me... Please can you help me stand up?"

The youth leaning on blinked the shock out of his eyes and stood up and started laughing heartily.

"Yes, yes, I assume i can help you."

Than he offered his hand with his name,

"I am called bulldack richard,whats your name?"

the youth accepted his hand while mubbling softly,

"My name is alinse whitehood..."

The dude helping me is quite weird. when i asked him to help, he started laughing. While atleast he is someone who is good looking and has good build.

And man believe me when i say he is a good lucking, well if you can call a greek god good lucking. Than what he is...

When i grasped his hand, he pulled me in to a hug.

Well... What can i say?

I, bulldack richard is hugging a stranger in my hands, deep in my bossom.

Well, he had a quite pleasent huggable body. And do not forget the heavenly smell.

And mind you, i do not have the tendecy to hug each and every stranger. Quite opossite is true others through at me all the time.

But, Oh my God, Oh my God. What am i going to say to the stranger imprisoned in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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