Chapter II

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Evastar POV

After the principal's very heart-warming message. Note the sarcasm. Us students, immediately crowded the academy's corridors. It was so chaotic, it felt like a movie. There was a couple making out at the left side of the halls, and about ten feet further, you will find the rich girls with daddy's credit cards being showed off. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. 

There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. And then there was me, not that I fit into any of those groups.

Yet, I hear the bell rang and ran to homeroom.


I swear, when I walked into the classroom, and it was not different. You can see a group of troublesome teenagers wearing burgundy-colored jackets on their waist, against the school policies. That reminds me, since the teacher isn't here, better start familiarizing the school's rules and regulations.

Don't just throw your garbage everywhere, put it in the designated bins outside every classroom. Always wear your identification card. It was basically the same rules an elementary student would get at school, but something caught my eye. 

Don't use your powers...? Wait, what powers? I thought this school was a prestigious school, not the kind to kid around. As I was still confused as hell, a woman in her early thirties came inside and wrote something on the board. 

Laviousa Persica

"Good morning students, I am Mrs. Laviousa, I am your advisor for the whole school year. Remember me, and you can survive your four years here in the academy." She adjusted her glasses as she talked with such seriousness that no one dared to respond or even make a sound. 

She started talking again, but I just stared into space. This will be a long year. I was thinking about nothing in particular except for that specific rule in the rule book. Don't use your powers.  What the heck does the school wants to say?  But my train of thought was interrupted with a tap on my shoulder from someone behind me.

I looked back and saw my teacher, Mrs. Laviousa. "Miss Evastar, may I please speak to you for a moment." I quickly glanced at the board, trying not to be obvious about not listening. I saw that she just wrote about our class schedule. 

Science, English Literature, Math and AP Bio. Science, English Literature, Math and AP Bio. Science, English Literature, Math and AP Bio. I just repeated those thoughts and stood up, going to the back of the classroom where Mrs. Laviousa was. 

"Do you happen to know about, Monroe?" Her name sounds so familiar, wait. 

"No, ma'am. I have no idea who he is." Guys, I got nothing. I have no idea who he is. When I answered her question, she giggled, which kind of shocked me because she had a strict face before now she's just giggling and it is weird. 

"Evastar, by 'he' you mean 'she.'" Oh crab apples and soy sauce. "I am so sorry ma'am." I tried to laugh it off, you know, make it seem that I was not embarrassed about my mistake. She giggled once more and dismissed me back to my seat.

Apparently, it was already time for our second subject, English Literature, but our teacher is fashionably late. So while waiting, I started to space out again, but wasn't able to do it completely because someone tapped my shoulder again, this time from a guy beside me. 

"I guess Mr. N is fashionably late, again." I tried to ignore him, but my conscience started feeling guilty. "Hi, I'm Atticus." I glanced at him, and did a double take. He was a man of any girl's dreams. He had smooth flawless skin, which was like a sheet of well done cloth. His eyes, which was under his burgundy short hair, glinted under the moonlight. He had high-bridged nose that was among his two eyes. His soft sharp lips were very attractive and captivating. I wanted to touch it but I decided not to so I won't look creepy. 

He offered his hand and we did a handshake. Awkward, but he had this sense of security, so I did not worry about him being a problem to me, he might be one of my friends in the future.

Strange, I feel uneasy.

That was when I heard heavy footsteps coming towards this direction. The door slammed open and we were met with a man holding a self-loading Ruger point 22 model K10/22PPF. My body started shaking and I was breathing heavily. I usually don't have anxiety attacks as hard as this one. What is happening to me?

Atticus asked me if I was okay, but I felt dizzy. My vision was starting to blur, slowly starting to darken until all I saw was pitch black. Where am I? Am I blind? 

A-am I, dead? 

A sudden bright flash was all I saw before I heard an angelic voice saying,

"Wake up my child."

  This is all for the second chapter
Like and comment if what I should or should not include in my story.  

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