"Me and Kookie saw him working at the café the day we were going to Busan." Tzuyu said.

"Did you talk?" Yoongi questioned.

"Well, yeah." Kookie nodded. Everyone is anticipating for him to tell us what happened.

"What did you talk about?" Momo asked.

"He told me that he can't talk about it inside the café because he might get fired." We all became silent.

"Why is he doing this? We could just help him instead because we're his friends." Chaeng said. We agreed with her. "Why don't we help him without him knowing?"

"We're going to work overnight, too?" Momo asked.

"No, pabo." I said and she pouted. I almost forgot that it's her birthday today. "We can help him through many more ways."

"Like what?" Jin asked.

"Businesses? I don't know!" They all laughed at me. Wow, great friends I have.

"Why don't we try..." Tzuyu paused. "...garage sale?"

"Garage sale?" Jihyo said. "When could we possibly do it? We're too busy these days."

"Then let's sell it on an online shop instead. We have interesting things that might interest the buyers and buy it, right?" Hobie said. At the end, we all agreed on Hobie's idea.

"Let's be on pairs." Joonie said. "Choose your partner. Let's make a group chat later to talk about this."

"Wait, why are we doing this again?" Momo asked. How pabo can this girl be?

"Because of Tae! Let's help him!" Jeong said. "Since it's Saturday tomorrow, why don't we--"

My phone rang, "Wait, Jeong."

"Who's that?" Jimin tried peeking. Awkwaaaaaard.

"It's Sana!" I sushed them as I answer the call. "Hey, Sana!"

"Put it on speaker phone!" Jin said and I putted it in speaker phone like what he said.

"Mina." Sana said. "Tae and I can't go to school."


"Tae is in the hospital--"

"WHAT?!" We're all shocked. What the heck are they doing in the hospital? "What are you doing there?!"

"I don't know." My eyebrows met.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Is she crazy?

"I don't know what happened to Tae. I just found out that he's here because of his sister. She told me that he's here. She didn't tell me why is he here." She explained. "Please tell Momo happy birthday for me."

"Thank you, Sana!" Momo smiled.

"Oh, hi Momo. Please enjoy your day. I love you. Happy birthday!" She greeted her. "I have to go now. The doctor entered already."

"Alright. Please take care. Bye."

"Okay. Bye." And then I ended the call.

"Let's go to the hospital later?" Dahyun suggested.




"Good morning." I greeted Dr. Kang. She smiled back.

"Good morning," she greeted. "Who are you?"

"U-Uh, T-Taehyung's friend." I hesitated when I answered that I am just a friend. "I'm Sana."

"Okay, Miss Sana." This doctor is beautiful even though she could be busy as hell because of the time of her duty. "Mr. Kim may go home already."

"Why was he hospitalized, doc?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's because--" her phone rang. She answered the call and excused herself for a minute. "Ya! Captain Yoo Si Jin!" And then she exited the door. She has a boyfriend?

She came back smiling, "I am sorry, Miss Sana. I have to go to the O.R. now."

"Thank you, doc." I told her. She just smiled and then left me. So she came in just to say Taehyung can go home now? Wow.

I went downstairs to the cashier to pay for Taehyung's room and all.


When I came back to Tae's room, he was already awake.

"Sana?" I smiled at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I am looking after you." I told him. "I just went downstairs to fix something."

He looks confused, "How did I get here?"

My eyebrows crossed. He doesn't know why he's here?

"What was the last thing you remembered?" I asked him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Everything went black." He told me. "I fainted."

"I am so worried about you, Tae." He sighed. "You should've stayed home instead of leaving."

"I'm sorry," he lowered down his head. "You're right. I should've never left you."

"Can you tell me now where do you go every night?" I tried asking him. But it took him so long to answer my simple question. "It's okay if you don't want to answer." I smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding." He smiled back. "Sana..."

"Yes, Tae?"

"Is it possible for us to go to school at this time?" He asked me. "It's just 10 AM."

"Do you want to?" He nodded. At this point, I would let him do what he wants. As long as I am with him and I know what will he do or where will he go. "Alright. The doctor said we could go home now."

"Really?" His face brightened up, but it faded afterwards.

"Are you okay?"

"I need to know how much the hospital bill is--"

"It was already paid." I cutted him. He looked at me seriously. "By someone kind."


"Someone..." He sighed. "C'mon, let's go home. I'm stinking." I joked, but he didn't even chuckle or what.

I helped him to get off of his bed and we went back to the building. We showered and went to school.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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