I'm late to work. And it's my first day. What a good first impression for my boss. I hate the idiot of my brother.

I walk in the dinner and pull the apron over my clothes. I begin, once someone tells me what to do and I begin to take orders and attend the customers. I didn't get to hear what Johnathan was going to say to Kevin.

Maybe he does like me. Or he wouldn't have said he loved me. Right?

I pop my earbuds on and go around the dinner attending people.

I get poked on both of my sides unnoticed and flinch with a squel. I take my earbuds off and look behind me to see Alejandro.
"I guess it's pick on Camila day." I says and Alejandro takes a seat at an empty seat.

"Why do you say that?" He asks and looks through the menu.
"Kevin has been picking on me too before I came to work. He reminded me that I had to come work or I would have stayed home doing homework." I tell him.

"When is your shift over?" Alejandro asks.
"In ten." I answer.
  "Order this and then finish up. We will have dinner here." Alejandro tells me. I take his order and by the time I walk over there and give them that I'm done. I sit in the booth with Alejandro across from him.

"Why are you here?" I ask him when I take my seat.
"I can't come?" He asks.
  "Yeah, but never have you before. Only when you need something, or want to tell me something." I answer sitting back and chilling.

"Your right." Alejandro replies.
  "So what is it. You need money? Friends? Or what?" I ask him.
"None of that. Help, advise on girls." Alejandro says. I would have chocked if I was drinking something right now.

"You, need help with your game?" I ask him surprised.
  "Bro, this is pretty low and unexpected for you. And you come to me because...." I trail off.

  "Cause you a girl. Only girl I can talk this with and I know you would help me." Alejandro answers.
"Our food gets placed infront of us and we don't say anything until the waiter is gone.

"Alright, I'll help you but you got to give me info on her so know what she likes and what you can do." I tell him.
"Okay, thank you." Alejandro says.
  "But what will I get out of it." I tell him.

"That was the thing that was missing. What will I get out of it." Alejandro says popping a frie into his mouth.
  "Yup." I answer getting ketchup on my fries and grabbing my cheeseburger.

"Fatass." Alejandro says as I take a bite.
"Atleast I got guts to talk with someone I like without going to someone else for help." I reply.
"Your not going to let this go are you?" Ale says.
"Nope." I reply.

"I hate you." Alejandro says.
  "But you love me too." I reply making him roll his eyes.

Next Morning

I throw things I don't need at Johnathan's window waiting for him to open the window.
"What?!" He says when he opens it.
"Move, I told you I would be here." I remember him as I climb over.

"Morning Camila." Johnathan says and kisses me. His kiss makes me melt and my worries dissappear.
"Good morning Johnathan." I reply afterwords. Then I remember why I'm here and begin to worry again.

"Can you do something for me?" I ask him.
"Sure, what is it." Johnathan answers.
"Don't go to the game. I would stay with you but they need the goalie. Please don't go Johnathan. For your own good." I tell him.

"Camila that is something I can't do." Johnathan says.
  "Please, Johnathan." I beg him.
"No Camila I have to go. There will be a few of college coordinators in this game watching, looking for the best. I have to be there." Johnathan tells me.

"You don't understand." I sit on his bed holding my head.
"I do understand Camila but I have to go." He tilts my head up to look at him. "Carlos will be there and he wants to kick my ass. I know. Kevin told me yesterday after you left." Johnathan tells me.

"I told him not to tell you." I tell myself.
"Come on, I'll wait for you at your car." Johnathan tells me. I stand up and go back to my room. I grab my stuff and go to my car.

I'm scared. I'm super scared.

Carlos stands on his side of the field as we wait for the ref to come out and speak with the captains. He looks at me and then up front at Johnathan. His hand passes infront of his neck. We are dead.

The ball rolls and my eyes go on the ball following it. Carlos has it and passes it but Marco intercepts the ball. He passes it to Johnathan and they go to the other side of the field to try to score. I keep my fingers crossed that they will score and that in the end of the game we will win.

We are tied. We are tied because Carlos scored a penalty on me. It was unfair. The ref carded are player yellow. He wasn't touched and fell on the ground in the box. We have 5 minutes and anything can happen.

If we lose this game we will get effected to move on. Carlos comes closer and one of the defence tackles him sending the ball out the field. Corner kick for them. I yell at the guys where to position themselves so they won't score.

I'm not ver tall. So once the ball gets kicked my view of the ball is blacked by all of the guys. I look up and see the ball above. The ball hits my palms and then goes back up in the air.

I try to catch it but I get super nervous and I being to fumble. As long as I move forward instead of backwards I'll be fine.

It lands on the floor and I kick it out of my area to mid field. Marco stops it on his chest and brings it down to his feet. That was terrible. The feeling I got when the ball was fumbling in my arms.

  I see the ball skim the post of the goal net. But the Goalkeeper jumped and touched it to push it farther away. It's now our corner. Our first corner of the game and we got 3 minutes.

Johnathan is going to kick it. If we want to win this is our only hope. Johnathan steps back and a short running start. I watch the ball carefully from my side of the field.

The ball hits a head and goes into the net.
"Yessss!!!!" I yell jumping up. We win. Probably have 5 minutes of extra time but we win.

Like predicted we get extra time. 3 extra minutes.

Our youngest player is a freshman that made it to our variety team.

We are all close. Expecially the guys. Super tight. You mess with one of them the whole team gets involved. Maybe that is why Johnathan isn't worried about Carlos.

Maybe this is how Carlos was going to get in a fight with Johnathan I don't know. Once Johnathan is worked up and mad I know that you can't calm him down. He will be ready to throw some punches. He would have been a good boxer too. All of them.

Daniel falls to the floor clutching his leg tightly to his body. I see Carlos and he kicks the ball at Daniel. Oh no. Carlos made a huge mistake.

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