First Thought

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Time of thought: 7:00pm
G'day. I'm Garry. But I go by Gaz as it should expected here in Australia. We're just a bunch of lazy turds when it comes to slang down here. Probably just because of the heat when we all hopped off the boats back in the day. Oh shit, I'm rambling already. Get used to that sorry. Anyway I doubt anyone is going to read this thing but I needed a way to release what I'm always thinking. Constantly in my skull thoughts are flowing so I decided I may as well write them all down. AND if you're reading this, it's not a diary. I'm not a bloody Sheila.

Well I'm assuming that you are reading this now so where do I begin about myself? I'm 17. In my opinion it shall forever be known as "The age of hell". One single year away from being, officially, a man. The ultimate desire of any male I'm assuming, because it's mine. The final year before the real world hits you in the face with all of its harsh realities. Yes, of course I've had a few already growing up like everyone else but life takes a whole new jump in toughness once you're an adult. Well that's what I've heard at least. But the final reason the age 17 is so tortuous to me specifically is the fact that all my mates are 18 already. Soaking up the world and, more honestly, soaking up all the grog. The factor that causes me the most jealousy is that I'm at the exact same maturity level as them to do what they're doing. Maturely I'm able to. Legally I'm not.

I live with my mum Sharon who obviously, as you should have expected, is known as Shaz and my little sister Gemma. They're the two Sheila's in my life I would do anything for. Shaz is the most influential person in my life as she has struggled through life but has always managed to provide my sister and I a roof over our heads and food on the table every night. Whilst doing this she also some how managed to fight through the pain of losing both my grandparents to cancer. She's my hero and I'm 100% sure she will alway be.

The last thing you need to know about me is that I've been born and raised in the mighty city of Melbourne. Who would've thought that one of the most modern Aussie cities has raised one of the biggest self proclaimed bogans? Some might think I belong out is the bush. Now don't get me wrong, I do love this majestic, sunburnt country. But there's no better place for me than the city of the South.

So let's get cracking? What's was the first thought that finally ticked me over the edge to start writing these ideas down? Aliens. Okay I know I know! You're probably thinking what the hell is this bloke smoking? But the thought of extraterrestrial life has always intrigued me since I was a young boy. I remember one time when I was a young boy and I was standing outside with my grandfather, the man I'm personally named after (cheers for the ripper name pop). I must have been only around 5 or 6. We were sitting on those classic Aussie, plastic garden chairs staring up at the night sky on a dry Melbourne summer night. As my young, curious eyes strained to study the stars complexity I looked over at my pop and asked "Poppy is there any people up there?" As the classic Aussie belief is that the stars represent the people who have passed away he asked "Up there in heaven?" I replied instantly as if to be smarter than the religious bullshit "No! In space?" In his thick, hardened Aussie accent he said "Well Mate we'll have to wait and see because if so they haven't rocked up yet!" Since then I've been stuck wondering if anyone will rock up and if so will they be friendly.

However I've been thinking hard, like i do about everything, about the possibility that maybe we are alone and what the implications of that are. Well, if Earth is the only planet in the universe that can support life, we have to stop and embrace the miracle that is life and existence itself. The universe is known to this day to be continually expanding and growing. The amount of planets, stars and galaxies out there is so large that it's mentally astonishing and somewhat unbelievable. If we are alone in this entire universe it really opens our eyes to the life we should live and the way we go about it. It opens our eyes to cherish the relationships we have with every other human being. We are all the miracle of life and that's why we should celebrate every chance we have. We are made to live and fulfil our dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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