Start from the beginning

I followed behind him, trying to defend myself in this conversation. "I know! But she was alone and being chased by the lame brains outside! I had to help her, Leo. Come on, please?"

My older brother found the girl lying in the bed. He scanned her entire body, including the wraps and gauze around her neck. "Donnie, we don't know her." He told me.

"Well, obviously, Leo," I replied, standing in front of him. I wanted his attention on me, not the girl.

I could tell that my blue masked brother is thinking very deeply. The gears are turning and he's sorting through that fine brain of his. "Was she alone?" This time, his voice soft.

I nodded. "Yes, it was just her."

"When she wakes up, let me know." He turned his shell to me, leaving my lab.

"Sure..." I muttered, glancing at the teenager on the bed. I sure hope she wakes up soon.


𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I can hear the faint noises and smell the oddest scents in this new place I was in. I don't have a clue as to where I am but the last thing I remember smelling is the sewers. I think that's where I am because I barely got a whiff of old contaminated water in the tunnels.

The second I opened my eyes, I felt the sweat under my clothes. My head is throbbing, my neck burns, my muscles are aching, and sh*t, my stomach is completely empty. "Ow..." I breathe, taking my time to sit up in this...bed?

Someone definitely saved me, but I don't know who just yet.

When I swung my legs over the bed, I felt the rough material around my neck. Gauze? Well, at least I don't have to worry about blood loss or infection.

I glance up from where I sat and could see glass beakers filled with multiple different liquids, but most are empty. There are tools related to science, books, pens, anything that includes an office or a lab. Where am I?

For the first time, I could stand without having to walk on eggshells when it came to the dead people outside. For some reason, it feels safe here and that is something to be happy about. My ears listened to every small sound in here; rushing water, faint music, and feet shuffling... Someone is here.

I left the bed and walk freely into this 'home' of some sort. Before I knew it, I'm standing in the middle of this home next to a couch.

Now I'm nervous. I hear a lot of things going on, but I don't see anyone here to accompany me. I think it's best if I go back to bed and wait for someone to come find me.

When I turned to head back to where I woke up, a tall dark green figure filled my whole vision. I saw the scales, the height, width, the glasses, the purple mask, he--he's a--

"You're awake." He said to me. "How're you feeling?" He asked me happily. In response, I shuddered, slowly backing away from him. It's been so long since I've spoken to anyone and I sure don't feel like talking to this guy--whatever he is! My heart is beating so fast and my chest was tightening while I retreated back to the bed. "Whoa, wait, wait, wait!" The humanoid thing says from behind me. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

I was in so much shock, I didn't see the scattered books on the floor. Instantly, I tripped over the the pile of education supplies and my knees met the floor roughly. In the process, a few things from the desks in this little area fell on my back, causing a big bang. "Ow..." I whispered, hoping he didn't hear me.

Faster than the speed of light, the humanoid touched my shoulder. "Here, let me help you."

I swiveled my body quickly, crawling backward on my hands and elbows. After I felt the bed, I climbed on top and cowered at the green man in a purple mask. The more I looked at him, I could see he was some kind of animal. A
... turtle if I am correct.

"Donnie," I heard another voice say. Footsteps were approaching, too. "What in the world--" It was another 'turtle'. He had a blue mask and was shorter than the one in the purple mask. "Oh... I see she woke up." He says.

"Yeah," The other said. I believe his name is Donnie.

Then, two more voices were added to this. How many of them are there? "I heard a noise, guys. What's going on?" It was a shorter turtle with an orange mask. "Oh, cool! A new friend?"

"Mikey, stay calm." The red masked turtle said. He was larger and bulkier than the other three.

"My sons," A FIFTH voice was added. He wasn't a turtle, though. He's a mutant rat who seemed to be a bit older. "Give her some space." He came through the four turtles, making him the only one standing closer to me. My god... They're huge. These turtles and a single rat are b-big. "We don't want to hurt you, child."

"We want to help you," Donnie says. "What's your name?"

My name? Do I remember my name? Geez, it's been that long? After four long months of not having anyone to talk to, these mutants were asking for my name. I needed people to talk to and they are the closest thing I got to heroes. "O..." I say faintly. "Osita."


𝐀/𝐍: This was a big change! I lost a chunk of this chapter so I took the opportunity to make it something different by adding Donnie's POV.

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