As she jumped down from the metal trolley he realised why she wouldn't be okay. She let out a gasp of pain, allowing her knees to buckle under her as she felt a sharp pain shoot through her stomach.

Lucky Isaac had lunged forward and caught her before she hit the ground.

He had been doing that a lot lately.

"Thanks," She muttered, pulling on his t-shirt lightly as she dragged herself up into a standing position. She leaned on the metal trolley and smiled lightly at Isaac. "What happened?" She asked.

Scott was now holding onto Deaton's wrist, apologising for Lacey's actions as he took his pain.

"We were getting Lydia," Lacey nodded at Liam's words, signifying she remembered that. "And you got stabbed protecting Malia. There was something on it and we think it's hurting you." Liam attempted to explain the best he could as he didn't understand the situation perfectly either.

"Oh.. okay." Lacey nodded as if she was trying to put the pieces together in her head. "Doc, do you know what it is?" She asked as Deaton and Scott joined them.

"Yes. Unfortunately I do." He spoke, shaking his head. "I mean it's a difficult thing to.. sort out." He added at the confused looks he got from the four teenagers.

"I'm down with whatever it takes." Lacey nodded, not liking feeling useless and vulnerable.

"Okay, so we can either cut the skin off, which will hurt, and I will extract the poison from you, which will also hurt." He paused, waiting to examine Lacey's reaction. "Or we can simply leave it and let it exit your system manually. It wasn't too deep of a cut so it should take a week at most to dispatch." Deaton explained.

"Could I get a range of pain for this.. operation?" Lacey asked.

"Ever been shot?" Deaton asked and Lacey nodded grimly, not feeling fond of the memory. "Well imagine getting shot in the same place ten times and then having a werewolf claw at it for a good hour or so.." He attempted to explain it on terms Lacey could understand.

"Oh wow okay.." Lacey muttered.

"Listen, I know i'm not really equipped to offer my opinion on this whole situation or anything.." Liam began causing everyone to look at him. "But I'd say go with the second one. It sounds a lot less painful and a week isn't too long, right?" Liam asked more to Deaton than the others.

"Yes of course, the most pain you will feel from leaving it will be what you felt when you jumped down from the trolley." Deaton nodded.

"Okay! So we're sorted! We leave it alon-" Isaac was cut off by Deaton.

"But there are a few.. drawbacks." Lacey instantly frowned. "One is that you will be completely defenseless aside from if you were to fight yourself which would hurt. Secondly is that you will start having.. hallucinations and they will get worse over time." Deaton paused.

"Hallucinations?" Scott frowned at this news.

"Yes. It varies for different people but it is usually either bad memories or your worst nightmares come to life." Deaton frowned at the look on Lacey's face.

Could she risk having hallucinations about her past? He past was messy and she didn't particularly want to think about it or even risk speaking out loud in front of the McCall pack about her memories.

"Lacey," Isaac interrupted her train of thoughts. "Think about this. You have a whole pack, and us, to help you out if it's needed. There will be virtually no pain and all you have to do is have a few visions here and there." Isaac seemed oblivious to Lacey's heavy breathing.

But there would be pain Lacey thought. Maybe not physical pain but there would be mental pain if she did have the hallucinations she hoped she wouldn't.

"If I do go for the second option..." Lacey paused and looked up at Scott. "If I am defenseless and we get attacked-"Scott knew what she wanted. She wanted his help to protect her and keep her safe."Please just.. help my pack. Mila and Ace.. they're too young to have to be worrying about me and Erik had just got too much on his plate. Kris has to leave town for the next month so there will be no one there.. please Scott." She asked with a frown.

Well that certainly wasn't what he was expecting.

"Yes.. yes of course we will help you and your pack. Lacey - you are pack, you may not be physically in the pack but you will always be in the pack. You got that?" Scott asked with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah." Lacey nodded with a smile.

"Good. We've got your back if you need it." Scott nodded as he straightened up.

"Ditto." She replied.

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