Chapter 13- If Looks Could Kill

Start from the beginning

" Hello, uh, Mr. Joker. Uhm..." He paused, glancing at me up and down. He seemed utterly unimpressed. I simply stare back as I softly pecked a kiss onto J's forehead. Moe went on, sounding irritated, " I thought our meeting was to be private. Can't your hoe wait at the bar or something?" He asked, sounding irritated. Joker stiffened and I felt myself get mad.

Kill him. Encouraged Trixy.

I fucking want to. I said to her.

Before Joker could say anything, I snapped at him, " Oh, are you callin' me a hoe? Do you know who the fuck you're talking to!?" I snapped at him. Joker giggled at my fury and he rubbed his hands up and down my waist. His attempts to cool me were failing.

The guy snorted, eyes obviously uncaring. " Uh, no. Why? You're probably anotha one-nighta. A fluzy that gets passed around every night. Tell me if I'm wrong. Only thing that makes it otherwise is your clothing choice. Its a club, not a sleep over." He grinned evily.
Joker growled, angered by this guy's rudeness. He slightly released his grasp on me.

... Nope... was all I heard from Trixy.

" THATS IT!" I snarled. I jumped to my feet, pulling my gun from between my knees and aiming straight at his head. His eyes widened. I panted herd. " Here's the truth about me. I-" I was cut off by a clapping joker. He cackled as he stood behind me. He glanced at me, then down at Moe. He seemed to be very entertained by the turn of events. His eyes were hat of naughty 12 year old's.

" You've just insulted the infamous, murdering,  Trixy Smiles." Moe's eyes widened as I grinned evily at him, cocking the gun at his temple. I felt Joker's hands slide up my waist to my ribs as he planted soft kisses into my neck, " She also happens to be my new queen." He elaborated through gritted teeth. It was in this moment that Moe realized, he fucked up.

" And seeing how my love here is quite upset with you, I think you should apologize." He growled sternly at Moe. He was sweating bullets and shaking softly. It always fascinated how people fear a gin to the head. I must've done it to myself  a thousand times in the mirror...

" I- I'm... sorry." He whispered, almost in tears. I immediately made my face soften. I pulled the gun back a bit.

" Oh, well since he said sorry," I giggled. The guy shook.

" R-really?" He asked. Almost too scared to believe he'd been let off so easily.

Joker and I gave each other an evil knowing  look and I sighed heavily. Joker gave me a smile.

" Yeah... but since you asked," I put the gun between his legs and shot his inner theigh. The shot rang put, but the music out side the room was pretty loud. He let out a scream as Joker and I mock screamed back at him with laughter.

Moe clutched his leg, Joker then sat on his lap, cupping his cheeks. I giggled as Moe was obviously in pain. Bit made no attempt to move Jay. He only shook and tried not to move.

" She is my light in the dark, ahahahaha!" He cackled before continuing, a hellova lot  more deadly and serious. Like a light swith, " Now, because of you being so late, next shipment, I get all of your shit. Tell your boss it's because you have no manners. And if there's a problem... mmmh,  I''ll just have my queen butcher your family in front you, got it?" He stated overly calm in Moe's face. Moe only struggled slightly with Joker upon his lap and having his blood spill all over the floor. Moe nodded furiously as Joker nodded, approvingly. "Good, good... Now, Moe?"

Moe gulped. I chuckled.

" Get the fick out of here before I kill you and we make love on your pathetic excuse of a body." he growled, standing to stand behind me. He hugged me into his chest, possessively. Moe struggled, but bolted from our presence and ou tof the club. I turned to face Jah. He looked down at me.

I grinned as an idea popped into my brain.

" I kinda wanna go drink. Sit at the bar and shoot the shit." I put my arms around his neck, pulling us tight together. His hard share softened as his iconic grin played onto his face.

" You're not a light-weight, are you, my dear? I'd hate to have to carry you all the way home." He joked. I chuckled lightly, smirking.

" Don't worry... I can hang."  I winked at him.


I could feel my brain pounding against my skull. I groaned in pain. My head killed. I squinted my eye, letting the sun shine brightly into my vision. I hissed and stuffed my head under my pillow. I inhaled deeply. I could've sworn I only knocked back 8 tequila shots... or was it 9?

I groaned again. I tried getting Trixy to respond but she was in Fuck Off Mode so I guess I was alone with this hangover.

I forced myself to sit up. I looked down at myself. I was still wearing my Dr pepper t-shirt and blue jeans. I squinted around the area I layed in. I was in my room. I guess we made it back safe. I sighed aloud. My brain hurt. I dropped my head into my hands, wincing. I growled at the pain as I heard my door slightly open.

"Oh, I thought you were still asleep." Said Joker. He opened the door fully. Always dressed to impress. I tried smiling, but failed epicall. He walked foward, a serving tray in hand. On it I saw a rose, a water bottle, and three little pills on a folded napkin. He put the tray on my lap gently. I tried to play thankful, but I was in no mood for much talk. I muttered a Thenk you as I faked a grin.

" I see you're taking your hangover well," He joked, putting his hands on his hips. He smirked down at me. I glared daggers at him. His smirk fell and a pout came on, " If looks could kill," he tsk'd. A pathetic frown went on to his face. I sighed, feeling slightly guilty for being so mean. I reached for the rose. I put it t my nose and inhaled deeply. The floral aroma made my heart flutter and I smiled, real this time. How nice of him to think of me... He broke me from the flower.

" Well, I'm off. Got shit to blow up, people to kill... The usual." He paused before leaning down and kissing me deeply. I put my hand up and gently on his cheek as he pulled back and kissed my forehead. He pulled away and I let my hand drop. He and I smiled at each other before he muttered, "I'll be back tonight. Please rest... I love you." He said before turning to the door.

He opened it. " Be safe, Jay." I said. I quickly popped the pills into my mouth before chugging some water. I looked back at him. He had paused, turning to look at me. A real grin on his face.

" Only for you, Clem." He said before leaving me alone in my room.

I sighed like a fan girl before putting the tray on the floor beside the bed. I pulled myself into a ball under the covers before letting my eyes droop and I entered a deep sleep.

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