"You must be mad! I am the King of Wales! Olaf shouted. "Only by his Worship's great and divine mercy! Had I been in his position, I would burned Cardiff to the ground months ago!" The English advisor said. "Enough, this isn't what I wanted; all I want is Britannia to be whole again, unity is strength" I said, disappointed that they have already started shouting.

"I agree" one Cardinal's George's Bishops said "We need a strong leader, I motion that we vote to abolish the Lesser Kings and make Louis the supreme ruler of Britannia." The room went dead silent as everyone sat in shock, I could almost swear that I could hear Harry's heartbeat from across the table.

"What?" Greg finally asked. "Louis has been named Fidei Defensor by the Pope and through him, God himself. Louis is chosen, I motion we vote to make Louis, Emperor and for the Lesser Kings to be abolished. It is God's will" the Bishop said calmly, as if speaking an obvious truth.

Everyone turned to stare at each other but no one said anything, how could they argue with a Bishop, a man of God? They were only one step below Cardinals. Everyone turned to Cardinal George to fiddled with the crucifix around his neck, thinking; only he could disagree with the Bishop. "Perhaps this is the path Louis was meant to walk" The Cardinal said slowly "For all of Britannia."

"I cannot believe that is the case, the High King has you on salary and you're just spouting whatever he has told you to say" Olaf said, standing up, causing his court to stand up also "I refuse to be a part of this meeting if we're not longer going to be speaking truthfully" he said before walking out. "Let's take a break for lunch and come back in an hour" I said, trying to do damage control; Parliament was my last hope for a peaceful solution.

"Shall I arrest that man your Worships?" Devon, the commander of my Templars, asked both me and Cardinal George, unsure of who to ask as everyone left the room "Insulting a man of God is a severe offense" he reminded us. "Place his family under arrest but keep him free, we need him for this Parliament" Cardinal George said. "Place them under house arrest, please, and make sure their comfortable" I said quickly.


I sat in my room eating lunch, thinking about what happened in Parliament, and upset that that Parliament was getting postponed. I just got a letter from Cardinal George saying that he was currently holding a Conclave, a meeting of the religious heads of Britannia, to discuss what the Bishop said during Parliament. Because of Parliament, most of the Bishops were already in Doncaster, which was fortunate since we didn't need to wait for them to arrive.

I looked over when someone knocked at my door and Culpepper stepped inside "Sire" he said holding out a letter "King Harry, King Gregory and Prince Niall have written a public letter together, saying that will support the Conclave's decision, whatever that may be. King Olaf nor Queen Anne has responded yet."

I looked at the letter before saying "Culpepper do you honestly believe I'll be crowned Emperor? There hasn't been a single Emperor since Rome. The only Emperor is the Basileus of Constantinople, Constantine the seventh, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire; which was part of the Roman Empire, the eastern half, so technically he's still a Roman Emperor!" "I hope you do become Emperor, your Highness" Culpepper said simply.

"What, why?" I asked. "Think of the power, the prestige, the honor" Culpepper said, a faraway look developing in his eyes as if he was imagining just that; he snapped back to reality and quickly said "For yourself, of course."

That was strange.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that, I'm just a farm boy" I said, feeling unsure for the first time since Iberia. "You'll be magnificent, and I'll be by your side the entire time" Culpepper said with a strange smile.


That night I walked into the cathedral in Doncaster after a messenger told me that the Conclave has reached a decision. I sat in the front of the cathedral with Culpepper, Eleanor, Maria and everyone, even Peter managed to wiggle into the pew where I sat. Harry, Greg and Niall sat across the aisle behind Anne and Olaf. The cathedral was full with the diplomats and courtiers from the four nations a few nobles managed to squeeze in as well.

Cardinal George stood up and start giving a long winded speech about duty and how God's message isn't always clear, he ended his speech by making sure that everyone knew that the Pope himself could overturn this decision, since he of course would also be informed of it. There was silence at the end of his speech as he took a deep breath.

Cardinal George said in a strong voice "The Conclave has concluded that Louis is chosen and thus he is the supreme leader of Britannia. To have Lesser Kings would be an affront to his power to from now on, the Church demands that all Christian nations no longer recognize the sovereign nations of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland but instead see them as provinces within Britannia. All people, including the former monarchs, must yield to King Louis under Roman's Law, for in the Bible, under Romans 13:1-5 it states" the Cardinal said before taking a deep breath and rattling off the verse by memory:

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience" the Cardinal took another breath before saying "Louis's power is divine so anyone who refuses his power shall be declared a heretic, former monarchs included" the Cardinal concluded "on this day, every person single person living on the British Isles, must recognize Louis as their King." 

"Say something" Culpepper whispered in my ear as I sat there in complete and utter shock "They need to be reassured". I slowly stood up and walked to the front of the Cathedral to stand beside Cardinal George "Today we are no longer English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish, today we all become British."

The cathedral exploded into noise as a riot broke out.

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