"Hello Holland. I didn't realize you stayed over."

"I hope that's not a problem."

"Of course not." She said.

"It was too late to take her home after the meet last night so I brought her here." said Rhys. His hand finds my lower back and pushes me forwards. I trip slightly over nothing and my cheeks heat up. I take a seat at the table beside Ryan who smiles a pancake filled smile at me.

"I missed you." The little boy says to me.

"I missed you too."

"Good." Ryan dives back into his pancakes. He barely looks up from his plate.

"Here you go Holland." Rhys' mom sets a plate of pancakes in front of me and then a bottle of syrup.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome dear. Did you have fun at the match last night? I heard you won Rhys, we're so proud of you."

"Thanks." He said. "Holland isn't really into boxing."

"Neither am I." His mother says to me. She sets down a plate for Rhys and then one for herself. Rhys takes the spot next to me and his mother takes one in front of me. "I was horrified when I started dating their father and learned that he liked to box. Now that both of my boys like the sport, it's rough."

"It is." I said. "I don't think I'll get used to it."

"If you stick around, I think you will. Just like I did." She said. "So, what school do you go to?"

"I go to Jefferson."

"The boys go to Henley."

"The private school?" I ask. I turn towards Rhys, "The one with the plaid uniforms?"

Jax laughs, "You're way too excited about this."

"You two have to wear ties every time you go to school." Just the thought seemed ridiculous. I can't imagine both of these boys wearing uniforms to school every day. The thought makes me want to laugh.

"I have pictures." Rhys' mom says.

"I would love to see them someday."

Jaxon quickly changes the subject, "We've tried petitioning for new uniforms, ones that didn't seem like we're in an episode of Gilmore Girls-"

"You watch Gilmore Girls?"

At this both Rhys and I laugh and for once it's not my cheeks that are on fire. Jax ducks his head and mutters something in Spanish to himself. "It's Andrea's favorite show. I've seen every episode."

"It's a good school." Rhys said. "Better than Jefferson." His elbow finds my side and I erupt in a fit of laughter. "You're ticklish?"

"Extremely." I said. "But I'm trusting you with my secret."

While I'm looking at Rhys, small hands find my other side. I jump up in my chair, a squeal-like noise coming from my mouth. Ryan laughs, his pancakes forgotten as his hands go towards my side again. I jump back, throwing myself into Rhys lap. His arms grab onto my arms and keep me off the floor.

Ryan launches himself at me with a wide smile on his face. Rhys holds me still as Ryan attacks my sides. Tears are falling down my face as I laugh. I try to twist away from the assault but I can't.

"Okay, leave the poor girl alone." Rhys' mom laughs. She sips at her coffee as I calm down and take my spot in between the two brothers. I'm paranoid now, my eyes moving back and forth between Ryan and Rhys. "Don't you guys have to go to the gym this morning?"

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