Chapter 1

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Stella sat in her cell looking at her commander Rick Flag,  he had crush on her.  The woman seated next to him looked at the blonde haired woman in the cell.

" I'm Rebekah. So Stella I'd like to ask you a few questions"

"My name is Baby doll" Stella said looking at rick in awe,  she had only been in black gate prison for day.  The bruises on her body showed,  specifically the bruised mark on her right cheek.

"Stella, look I have to call you by your name"

"Listen baby, you need tell this woman everything, just cooperate then after this session I'll come in and play with you" Rick said.

Stella giggled and the doctor gave him a stern look.

Rick then left.

"Tell me what Toby Harbour did to you"

"he loves me"

"Stella no he doesn't, this is clearly a case of abuse and stock holme syndrome"

"Lady! You don't nothin' bout my puppet boy!" She snapped

"This is what abusers do stella they make you think they love you"

"he does, he buys me gifts and takes me out for dinner then we have fun" Stella said twirling her blonde hair which had black on this right and blue on the left.

"How'd you get the bruises then?"

"he got mad because I wasn't being a good girl, he tied my hands together and hit me once" Stella shrugs.

"If he was a gentlemen who wouldn't have hit you at all"

"you don't know him!

"you were his physciatrist at Arkam, he told you lies."

"Yeah so what?!"

"we're done here" Rebekah got up and left.

Rick went to her cell.

"you gonna come in here and play with me now?" she asked and licked the bar of her cell.

"Sorry sweetie  I'll get fired"

"you promised me"

"Sorry babe" and he walked away.

"Rick!!!!" it was to late he already left.

-At Toby's mansion-

"Max have you found my babydoll…" Toby says waving a gun in the air.

"She's at black gate prison sir"

"we're going to Washington DC,  we leave in two days. " Toby said lying down in a circle surrounded by knives, guns, roses, laptops and baby clothes.

Her obsession And His Abuse.Where stories live. Discover now