I was lying on the sofa feeling bored when the doorbell rang. Who could it be? I rushed towards the door to open it, only to see unnie and Bangtan. "Unnie!" Yewon hugged me as the others came into my house.

"Yuna ah, have you eaten your lunch?" Sojung unnie asked as everyone settled down in the living room. "No. I am not that hungry." I shrugged my shoulders earning a glare from her. "You need to have intake in order to recover, Choi Yuna." She reprimanded and went straight to the kitchen.

"Unnie, how are you feeling?" SinB asked me while taking the snacks from the table. "I am fine, but my headache is not gone." I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"Yuna, these are the homework from the teachers today and the notes. You can ask me anything if you don't understand." Taehyung oppa took the papers out from his bag, handing them to me.

It has been a long time since I had fun around with both my unnies and Bangtan. Those fun was memorable. We laughed at all the jokes and funny faces, all those idiotic gestures and words from us. I missed it.

Jungkook POV

Yuna had her balcony in her apartment, they were watching TV when I went out to the balcony to inhale some fresh air.

"Problems?" I heard a voice behind me. That is definitely Namjoon hyung. "Hyung. I don't know." I turned my body to lean on the railings on the balcony, looking up at the ceiling.

"Don't know about?" he asked me, passing me a bottle of water. "About when I should confess to her. I mean, I don't know how to put it in words you see. Hyung, you know I am not good with words." I took the bottle from him, gobbling down half a bottle.

"Didn't you tell me your confession that day? About not caring what other people think? That was a decent one. But Kook, why don't you just go straight to the point? Just tell her what's in your heart and trust me, that would be the best confession. Don't think too much and just go for it." Namjoon hyung advised me but I still gave him a hesitating look.

"Jungkook ah, if you miss this chance, you are never going to find a girl like Yuna. You know that she has feelings for you too. Why don't you just make a move? If she is the right person, go for it." He continued.

"But I thought Minjung was the right person at that time too..." my voice trailed off when I mentioned about her. "Tell me, Jungkook. Is Yuna and Minjung the same? Do you think they are the same type of girl?" He pushed in further. I stared blankly at him, before shaking my head.

"Tell Yuna before it's too late, Jungkook ah. Trust me, you wouldn't regret." He nodded at me before patting on my back, making his way back to the living room.

You can do this, Jeon Jungkook. I leaned my arms on the railing, looking out at the busy streets.

Yuna POV

That night, everyone left my house after dinner time, except for Jungkook whom Yerin unnie ordered to stay back to take care of me. Gosh, I am big enough to take care of myself. We both sat on the sofa as the awkwardness filled the air.

"Afternoon was fun yeah? It has been a long time since we have been like this." He started the conversation.

I nodded with a giggle, "Indeed." He turned his body to face me, "Yuna." He called out, causing a shiver down my spine. I was nervous, so nervous. "Y-Yeah?" I replied, not looking at him. He moved closer, "Look at me." He demanded firmly. I closed my eyes to compose myself before slowly turning my body to face him.

"I have something to tell you. Something important." He started off sternly. "Jungkook ah. What happened? You are scaring me." I tried to search for an answer in his eyes as he looked straight into mine.

"Just be patient and listen to what I have to say. Even though it may sound stupid and ridiculous to you but please let me have the chance to tell you." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I don't really remember how we first met, but I remembered you as Taehyung hyung's tablemate. I am not good with girls, I bet you knew it. I didn't really pay any attention to you and the girls until I realize my neighbour was you. Everything went crazy from then on. We were so close in such a short time and it's crazy. You don't know how long I take to open up to girls. But thank god I met you. There were so many 'first time' when I am with you. I have been denying my feelings all these while but I feel like I need to stop all those lies..." he stretched out his hand with his palm facing upwards before looking at me straight in the eye.

"I like you, Choi Yuna. I really do. I really don't wanna care what other people say or what others might think because all I need is you, being beside me. Those people are not anyone significant to me. I really just wanna confess what had been bothering me all these days. Not talking to you for more than a week really drives me crazy. It's sounds ridiculous but it really does. I am really not good with words..." He paused, before looking at me with an anticipating smile.

"So Choi Yuna, would you let me hold your hand and take care of you? I will hold your hand tightly through this ludicrous period of time, even when everyone else disapproves us, I will be with you."

I looked at him, dumbfounded, not believing everything that he had just said. He looked at his palm before lifting his head up to look at me. "Will you?" he asked again. Suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes as I look down, thinking how foolish I was all these time to avoid him just because of other people's nonsensical comments. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I looked at him before smiling from ear to ear and nodded. I reached out my hand to his and the moment our skin touches, he held my hand tightly.

A grin was shown on his serious face immediately as he wiped my tears with his thumb. "Thank you for letting me protect you, my Choi Yuna." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Sorry Kook ah. Sorry for being foolish, thinking that avoiding you, avoiding Bangtan is the only solution. Even though my heart is crying out loud for you, I tried to avoid you. I don't have the courage to be with you, I don't have the courage to tell you. Sorry to keep you waiting. I like you too, Jeon Jungkook." I finally spilled out all my thoughts that had been keeping inside me all these while as I hugged him tighter.

Jungkook POV

I broke the hug, facing her as I wiped her tears with my thumb softly. That was all I ever needed to hear. I just need to know that her heart is feeling the same way as mine. I never thought I would fall this hard for anyone else ever again. But in this moment, I know she is the one. She is all I ever needed. Please let this moment last, Choi Yuna...


Sorry guys! This is short because I am really busy these weeks and I hope you guys like it! I will start working on the next chapter real soon <3 Please anticipate <3


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