Chapter Five: Visions

Start from the beginning

Shade shifted the door, walking into the dark hut. We followed him inside, once we were in, he checked left and right before shutting the wooden door.

"Now, it's time." He said, igniting a torch on the wall. It was dim, but it made everything within the hut visible.

"Time for what?" I was really confused at this point; I didn't know what he meant. But I was intrigued.

"Time for you to test out my latest creation." He looked at me and Crystal, "I call it, Visionary Water. It allows you to see the Equestria that this world once was, y'know to experience what it was like before the war."

"Is that even possible?" I asked, looking up at him in hope.

"Of course, with the right herbs and items, you can make any type of drug." He responded with a tone of optimism. "At least, I hope so."

"I'm willing to try it, what about you Crystal?" I looked towards the mare and smiled softly as if I was to say everything will be fine.

"I'll give it a try." She responded, slowly walking closer. The Ghoul smiled with a gentle grace and nodded.

"Excellent!" He pulled out two bottles of glowing blue water labelled Visionary Water, "just take a small sip, large doses of this isn't exactly safe." He warned us, passing us the bottles.

"What happens if large doses are taken?" I spoke, unscrewing the Sparkle Cola bottle cap and placing it in my Saddle-Bag with my wing. I held the bottle with a tight grip.

"Well, forty-five percent of radiation. So drinking a mouthful of that stuff could give you radiation sickness." He frowned slightly, "that's a problem I still need to fix."

"Well, bottoms up." I looked at Crystal and she nodded. We both took a small sip and then swallowed, waiting for the effects to kick in. The next thing I knew, the world around me throbbed a sky blue color. I soon found myself in a world covered with green, grassy plains. The sky was a beautiful sky blue and the sun shined in the sky. So beautiful. I knew it was a dream, since the sky glowed and so did the grass.

The sight of Ponies galloping in the Wilderness and small village like towns with perfectly built cottages for homes stood. Perfectly visible. I knew I was no longer in the hellish Wasteland I was in before. Well, in my head I wasn't, but in the real world I was just standing in the Ghoul's hut. Crystal wasn't in sight because she was in her own Equestria.

These were Pre-War times; posters of the ministries were seen on trees, buildings, pretty much anything that can hold a poster. I always followed the Ministry of Awesome; it made me feel proud to be a Pegasus, but the Enclave itself...not so much. Remembering from what happened in my past, I never really trusted the Enclave again after what happened.

I noticed a lemon colored Pegasus flying towards me. Her mane and tail was a minty green color and her eyes sky blue, just like the sky itself. Exactly the same shade too. She landed down in front of me and let out a jolly giggle.

"Hi there mister, what are you doing on this fine day?" Oh how I wanted days like this, where Raiders weren't pointing guns at me, where war didn't exist. The smell of fresh air, so beautiful. It was as if I could smell and touch everything around me.

"Oh, I'm doing great." I spoke, still partially oblivious to her and more distracted to my surroundings.

"You look lost sir, do you want any directions?" She asked, letting one ear fall and the other stand. She looked at me confused but she walked closer slightly.

"Oh no, I'm fine." I just smiled at the Pony, "this is Equestria...right?" I asked. But then I realized that was a stupid thing to ask, it made me look like an idiot.

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