"For god's sake look out!" The man snapped. John turned pale, looking around with an embarrassing blush forming on his cheek. A couple people were looking at the scene inside the restaurant.

"Oh god I am so sorry." He said stuttering, while running a hand through his hair.

"Don't you have eyes?" The man groaned, wiping away the food from his shirt, crunching his nose in disgust.

"I'm sorry... It's just." He trailed off. "Let me help." He offered, taking a step closer to the man, feeling guilty about this all.

"No idiot. Go away." The man yelled at him. John's eyebrows grew together into a deep frown.

"It was an accident. No need to be rude." John said, clearly getting annoyed by this unfriendly waiter. The man scoffed, walking away so he can clean the mess up by himself. John grunted, looking at the retreating figure disappearing into a room. John knew all the faces here, since he came here weekly, sometimes three times in a week. But he never saw this waiter before, and he hoped that this was going to be the last time that he will see him.

John shook his head, pursing his lips together. He looked around searching for his date, hoping she didn't hear or see anything about this incident. He spotted her sitting in the corner, close to a fireplace. There was a small nervous smile on his lips.
He sauntered to the table, forcing a sweet smile.

"Hey." He said as he approached the table. She jerked her head sideways, following John with her blue eyes as he sat down in front of her.

"Hello." She said with a genuine smile. John cleared his throat, fiddling with his fingers.

"Sorry for being late." He apologized. Chelsea smiled warmly at him.

"Don't worry. I kept myself busy." She said, pointing to the bottle wine, standing on the table. John chuckled. He already knew that he was going to pay a lot for this date. He more likely works for paying his rent and dates.

John tried to find a way to let this date work. Giving a compliment would be a nice thing to do right? John clenched his teeth. She had dressed herself up for tonight, for him. He could definitely see that. But somehow he didn't feel attracted to it. Most men would do a murder for a pretty woman like her. But John Watson just sat there, feeling like she was just as ordinary like an old woman from a retirement home.

"You look beautiful." He said softly. He was right. She did look beautiful, he just didn't feel attracted to it. And that happened on every date. He hated that he couldn't feel the way other men can feel about beautiful women.
A blush was blooming over her face.

"You don't look bad yourself." She said shyly. John grinned, looking away, feeling uncomfortable as she was looking deeply in his hazel eyes. "Did you have problems with the traffic?" She asked. John nodded.

"Sort of. It took me twenty minutes to find a cab." He informed on his normal tone.

"Twenty minutes? I thought you lived in London?" She chuckled, twirling her hair around her forefinger.

"Yeah." John replied, smiling. She looked at him, flashing a charming smile. John cleared his throat.

"Shall we order?" He asked, looking up.

"Oh yes, I'm starving." She agreed, leaning backwards against the chair. "I already picked what I want." She said.

"Me too." John replied, even though he didn't check the menu yet. She frowned slightly.

"But you just arrived." She laughed. "It took me ten minutes to find what I want." She pointed out, giggling a bit.

"I come here a lot. I already decided what my favourite dish is." He said grinning. Chelsea her smile dropped slowly. John sighed inwardly. Great. That was a wrong thing to say Watson. He frantically began searching for an excuse. "My dad and I ate everything already." He added with a nervous laugh. John could see the relief in her blue eyes. She smiled, leaning more forwards, elbows resting on the wooden table.

"So you're daddies boy?" She laughed flirtatiously. "Does he also lives in London?" She asked amused.

"Yeah." John lied, putting on a fake smile. But it looked more like a grimace. But Chelsea didn't see it. John's dad died five years ago. John sighed, if this date goes well, then he needed to figure out a way to explain why he lied on their first date.

"I'm sure you have the charms from him." She flirted. John smiled a bit. It was right, his dad was his hero. His life saviour when he was a kid. There was a silence and Chelsea decided to speak up again. "Let's order." She said.

"Yeah." John smiled. The date was going okay he thought. He might get a nice shag tonight. Both began searching for a waiter. But they were all busy with a table, ordering. John's eyes then flickered to a familiar annoying unfriendly waiter that had dark curly hair. He was just standing there, standing motionless in the middle of the restaurant. The only thing that seemed to move was his eyes. It was like he was searching for something. John looked away from him, searching for someone else. There was no way that he was going to talk to that dickhead again.

John sighed as he saw Chelsea hollering for him. He rubbed his face with his hand palm, growling inwardly in annoyance. The lissom and skinny waiter approached their table. John could see a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"Good evening." The waiter said friendly. His piercing blue eyes were focused on John's date. She smiled.

"Evening." She replied. John growled once again, staring at the man with disgust. He knew the way the man was acting towards his date was set up. He scanned the man with his eyebrows knitted together. He looked at the man's nametag.

It reads Sherlock.

Waiter in a suit - A JohnlockWhere stories live. Discover now