"Alright. Where does he keep his cars?" Scott asks.

"Cars?" Jubilation Lee shrieks. "We're gonna take his car?"

"Well, you can't expect us to walk, right." Scott tells her.

Jean folds her arms and grins. "I know where all the cars are. Can one of you drive?"

"I can," Scott answered.

"Perfect." Harley says. "Let's go."

The group heads downstairs to the garage full of cars. Harley couldn't stop staring at Kurt. She wasn't disturbed by his monstrous appearance at all.

"Harley, close your mouth before you catch flies," Jean whispers as they are far behind Jubilee and Kurt.

Harley smiles and replies, "I can't help it, Jean. He's so . . . gorgeous."

Behind them was Scott, who gagged, "Gorgeous? Yeah, I'm not into the whole blue skin, tail, elf ears type."

"Good, Scott because he's definitely my type." Harley smirks.

"Nightmares." Scott mocks her

"Shut up," she growls at him.

The trio caught up with Kurt and Jubilee. Jean was the first to ask him personal questions. "So, Kurt, where are you from?"

"Germany." He answered her. "I was rescued by the blue lady."

His last words chimed like a bell in Harley's mind. "Blue lady? You mean Mystique? She's here?" She asked. Kurt nodded his head.

"Oh, Dr. McCoy is gonna be really happy." Jubilee giggles.

"Vhy?" Kurt Wagner asked. "Vere zhey friends?"

Mostly everyone was a fan of Mystique, but only Jean, Harley, and Jubilee knew that Hank McCoy had romantic interest in her. Every time someone said her name, he stutters and practically glowed. "More than that." Jubilee informs. "I know he and Mystique had a little fling back then."

"Yeah, I was wondering why you looked so familiar, Kurt." Harley mentions to the teleporter. "You're blue just like her. Are you sure you guys related?"

It had never crossed Kurt's mind, but he simply told them. "No, I don't think so. I never knew my real mother or my father. I vas raised by Margali Szardos along with her other children. Ve vere all part of a circus."

"So you actually came from a circus?" Scott asks, surprised by this. "For reals?"

"Scott!" Jean elbows him.

"What? It's just a question."

Kurt answers, "Yes, I am."

"Oh, that's cool." Jean says. "What exactly did you do?"

"I vas an acrobat. My siblings and I always did the tightrope valking and acrobatics."

Harley was already so fascinated by him. "Well, you're really gonna like it here, Kurt. Just wait until you meet Professor Xavier. He owns this school."

"You zhink he might not like vhat he sees?" He asks her.

The four teenagers figured that some people wouldn't be as calm as they are with Kurt. Sure, none of them care how he looks, but they don't know how others will react to him. "Don't worry, Kurt." Scott assures him. "The professor is cool. Just be careful what you're thinking. He reads minds."

"So does Jean." Jubilee added.

"Hey, people get freaked out at first." Jean chuckles. "As long as they don't do the number game, I'm good."

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