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This is Crystal Thunderheart in hedgehog form

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This is Crystal Thunderheart in hedgehog form. She is my OC/alter ego. I named this account after her. She knows I exist, but thinks I'm just the Prime dimension of her, she calls me Jemelica, just so things won't get confusing.
She is a shapeshifter who travels through time and space and can tap into a portion of that reality's pool of superpowers and abilities while she is there.
She does not remember her original form, were she comes from, or anything before she woke up on some island, and for a wile she had no name.

That's pretty much all I'm going to tell you about her..... for now.... her backstory can get a little-
"Hey Jem, it's been awhile." Crystal interrupts.
Oh hey, what's it been, like 10 years?
Crystal- yeah, something like that...... I can ask you anything... right?
😞Uhhhh, yeah.😕
You from the dimension that like, knows everything... right?
Yeaaah. (Oh God where is she going with this!😦😨😓)
Crystal- what is my original form?
Uhhh you see.. I uh... don't know 😅
Crystal- What! But you guys are supposed to know everything!
Well maybe it's because I made-
JohnnyGhostFangirl pops out of a Portal and kidnaps/saves Jemelica (why, cuz were sisters) then the portal closes.
Crystal- 🤔 what does she mean by made?.... 😲
JGF then pops back in and says, "She ment nothing by that😅. Everything is fine ☺😅☺😇."
Crystal's mind is being blown, for what she has discovered cannot be true
JGF saves the day by writing in her journal, "Crystal Thunderheart forgets that this moment happened and is sent back her dimension."

Her hedgehog form is based off Ann-Jey's  BadasS GirlZ. Her personality is based off me, as well as her human form (but her human form looks prettier than me). I also edited the photo, cuz my phone can't capture the colors right... and I also wanted more poping colors.
Here's what it was

Here's what it was

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