"And you we're staring." 

  "But I-"

  "Don't try to explain yourself. Just don't stare at me unless you want me to wring your neck." I threatened harshly. 

  "Whatever you say asshole." He mumbled under his breath.

  The light turned just barely turned green when Dylan stepped on the pedal, his jaw clenched and his eyes focused on the rode. The corner of my lip turned up into a tiny smile as I gave my self a mental pat on the back for staying civilized and resisting the strong urge to physically assault him and still pissing him off.

   I gathered my bag from my feet ready to hop out the car as we pulled into the parking spot of my building. I bolted out as soon as He put the car on park and headed straight for the door, not bother holding it for Dylan as he jogged to catch up behind me. I ran up the stairs until I reached my floor hoping to lose him, but I had stopped to catch my breathe at the top of the last flight where Dylan finally caught up to me. 

   We shared for a quick second before both lunging for the door handle. I grasped the middle of the long silver pole just as Dylan grabbed the part just above my hands. I was nearly pressed up against the door holding on to the handle like I would fly away if I didn't with Dylan pressed up against my back doing the same.

  "Let go. I got here first." I demanded trying to push him back. He pushed back against me trying to get past and keep his grip on the handle. 

   For a brief pause as we both caught our breathes, our bodies had little to any space in between them. A faint sweet scent of vanilla filled my nostrils sending a strange feeling coursing through me as I felt how familer his body felt against me; soft, but firm. I looked up over my shoulder at him, my breathe getting caught in my throat as I realized our faces to be only inches away from each other. That strange feeling hit harder as I found myself lost in his eyes. Why does he feel so familer? 

  Ironic how just a few minutes ago I was annoyed by him staring at me, but now I can't help staring into his eyes.

  "Why won't you let go?" He whispered softly breaking the silence. 

   Such a simple question, but could have so many meaning. So many things that I'm holding on to that I can't seem to let go. So many things I'm missing out on because I can't let go and free myself. 

   "I-," I was lost for words by such a simple question that probably wasn't even directed to my problems.

   I felt his hand softly slide over mines as I noticed his eyes flick to my lips. I froze at the way my heart fluttered, the feeling snapping me back to reality. I am not falling for this piece of shit.

   I dug my elbow in as hard as I could into his side and pulled the door open revealing the refreshing sight of my modern dimly lit hallway. I walked somewhat calmly to my apartment even though my nerves were telling me to run, but I didn't want him think that he made me nervous. I tried to open my door as fast as I could as I heard Dylan's footsteps approaching me, but just as I was about to close the door he stopped it with his foot.

  "No thank you? I mean, I did give you a ride to and from school. How rude of you Sky. I feel a bit offended actually." Dylan pretended to be hurt clenching his heart.

  "Yea an unwanted ride that I wouldn't have taken if I was informed of it beforehand and not right when we had to leave. Plus, never claimed to be polite." I gave him a phony sympathetic pout before shutting the door in his face. 

   I dropped my bag on the floor next to the door, before I let myself flop on the couch. What the hell was that Sky? I didn't know how to describe how I felt back at the staircase or rather I didn't want to admit to myself what that feeling was. I filled my head with how trash of a guy he was; he checked out the waitress and probably other girls behind Emma's back, and he just tried to make a move on the girl he's talking to best friend. 

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