Turnabout Elevation ~ 3 ~ Sky

Start from the beginning

"That was fast." Lily mentioned, her eyes spinning around. "Think I can spin my eyes around that fast?"

"There's more important matters to attend to..." Tenniswood pointed out. "...like, for example, getting through this trial in one piece."

"The Prosecution may call their witness." The Judge slammed his gavel down (again).

Prosecutor Cruz lazily pointed to the witness stand. "Detective, get yourself up here. And don't trip over yourself again, Niamh here couldn't get enough of that..."

Detective Erikson dawdled up to the stand, carefully watching his feet. I almost felt sorry for the poor guy.

His Honour looked slightly confused at the act. "Witness, state your name and occupation for the court."

"Toby Erikson. Detective." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Here to testify about the case."

Niamh, having not said anything in a while (therefore wanting to have some sort of input), piped up. "Feel free to testify now! I guess! Maybe!"

Detective Erikson smirked at this act. "Alright, alright. Don't rush me."


- "The victim was part of a competition, which she won."

- "Obviously, some people would've gotten angry over the result."

- "We believe that the defendant was one of those people."

- "The evidence? Other staff had mentioned that the defendant had often talked about how he hoped that the victim's rival would win."

- "Whilst in the elevator, the defendant proceeded to whack the victim over the head with his camera equipment."

"What a way to go..." Niamh commented. "I would've been home celebrating as soon as possible, but the victim didn't even have a chance..."

"You would've been celebrating with Ghastly and I, don't lie, missy!" Yelled a woman from the gallery.

Niamh's face quickly turned red. "Ms. Lin-! People don't need to know that...!"

"Before these two break out into an argument, will the defence start their cross-examination?" The Judge asked.


- ......

- "Whilst in the elevator, the defendant proceeded to whack the victim over the head with his camera equipment."


Lily yelled at the sudden outburst, not expecting Tenniswood to object that fast. Neither did I, to be honest.

"Riddle me this, Detective." She began, her voice of a mocking tone. "I can transport, yet I do not have wheels. I usually take on the colour red, yet that is not my real form. I will dry up when outside, yet I will never stop being. What am I?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I've heard this one before!" Lily waved her arms around madly. "It's-"

"Don't spoil it yet!" Yelled His Honour. "Let me work it out first..."

"I bet it's an eye-!" Cried Detective Erikson. "Or, um...oh, where's Vera when you need her? She's always so good at these types of things..."

"I've got it! It's a rose!" Shouted the younger Niamh. "...right?"


Silence flowed throughout the courtroom. Slowly, everybody's eyes floated towards Prosecutor Cruz.

"That's...that's what she meant." He muttered, much quieter this time. "Can we move on now?"

"What I'm trying to say..." Tenniswood frowned a bit at the event that had just taken place. "...is that was there ever any blood found on the defendant's camera equipment? I don't know about you, but with a hit like that, I'm fairly certain that some blood would be left on it."

"Well, Detective?" The Judge questioned. "Was there any blood found on the equipment?"

Detective Erikson whistled awkwardly. "Well, uh, you see..."

"Spit it out." Prosecutor Cruz seemed to call it a day already.

"...luminol testing found that there was no blood on the equipment, despite the blood found at the crime scene." He finally said.

"Oh! I get it! The defendant couldn't have killed the victim with the camera equipment if no blood was found on it!"


I heard Tenniswood grumble to Lily "You know, for a Prosecutor, he sure is grumpy..."

"There's no need to cause such a ruckus over a simple matter like this." Prosecutor Cruz explained, still flipping that coin of his. "I have a witness that will explain this unusual pattern of events. So the defence can stop trying to grab a foothold on their case."

"But that's our job!" Yelled Lily, slamming her hands down on the desk. "Don't you see...?!"

"And it's my job to do this, too." He huffed, Niamh moving a few inches away from the Prosecutor. "Now, can I call up my witness?"

"Yes, you may." The Judge allowed. "We must hasten this trial."

"Klaus Schmidt, get up here. No tripping on your way here."

Something tells me that this trial will go on longer than expected...


nobody will get where that name comes from and it makes me cry inside

also niamh look. vito.

- hatty

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