" Yunhee ! " ,I stop her.

She look surprised and in the verge of tears.

" Kaja ! ",I drag her to the park which was nearby the mall.

Yunhee's POV

I exit the mall with a slow pace. Suddenly, someone grab my arm.

It's Gikwang !

" Kaja ! ", he drag to the park nearby.

We sit on one of the bench while I remained silence. I could feel his gaze on me.

We remained being silent for the past 10 minutes.

I can't take this anymore !

" Mianhae, Gikwang ~ "

He sigh.

" Why you lie to me ? Wae ?! ",he tried to held his anger in.

I bit my lips and kept silent . I felt like a little girl who being scolded by her Appa .

" Mian, mianhaeyo .", A single drop of tear roll down on my cheek.

" Mian, I didn't have any intention to cancel it. I-I'm not ready yet to go out on a date with you. ",I look down.

He pull me into his embrace. He hug me tightly while I cry on his shoulder.

Yun~ Stop crying. He gonna think you weak and a cry baby. Stop crying.

I mentally said.

" Yah, uljima ~ I'm not that mad. I understand that you're not ready yet .",he tried to wheedle me.

I look up at him with my teary eyes.

" Would you forgive me ?"

" Of course I forgive you "

He wipe my tears while he release his hug slowly.

" Kaja ! I bet you're hungry. ",he said while getting up.

" Hmm, and I know where to eat near our residents. ",he hold my hands and walk to the bus stop.


Mijoo's POV

I sat down beside Yoseob across Doojoon.

Erghh, awkward~~~

" I felt sorry towards Yunhee", I sigh.

" Sorry ??? Waeyo ? ",Doojoon ask while munching a slice of pizza.

" She blackmailed Yunhee . " ,Yoseob answer for me.

Only Yoseob and I knew about Yunhee and Gikwang. Well technically without they knowing we firgure it out ourselves.

" Ahh, gwaenchanha ~" ,Hyunseung suddenly happy about it .

" Ehhhh, why so happy, Hyung ?" ,Yoseob asked.

Hyunseung shrug. It made me curious though while Yoseob gave me a 'do you know anything' look.

Funny. Did Hyunseung sunbae likes Yunhee too ? Hmm.

Doojoon's POV

Is there something that I don't know ? They kept secrets from me now, ayy.

I eye them one by one.


Author's Note;

Annyeong readers ! So far how this fanfic had captured your heart ? Eobseo ? Its lame and nothing to you ? Well I hope you guys could share your thoughts about this story . Gomawo~


Yoseob: Author-nim ! Author-nim ! Eodiseoyo ~ ?!

Yunhee: She's gone ! *sob* *sob*

Author: yah ! I'm right here !

Yoseob: Poor her~ :'(

Author: I'm here ! *jumping & waving*

Yoseob: Pls support her guys !

Yunhee: and don't forget to read,vote and comment !

Yoseob: Comments are love !! ❤ *aegyo*

Author: *glaring at both of them*


Choi Yunhee

Lee Gikwang

Jang Hyunseung

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Yoon Doojoon

Jang Sunmi

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