The big decison: Will she say it?

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* Hey guys! Here the decide chapter! Hope you guys like it! Oh! By the way I'm making Zach an OC so yea XD. So it's gonna be OC X OC with it being in the fairy tail world so yea *

Original P.O.V

" I do "

The master looks at Marie " And do you take Zach as you lawfully wedded husband?" Marie feels her body shut down, the panic was starting to set in. She looks at the ground shaking suddenly. Her breathing went heavy a little. It was suddenly hard to breath for her. She hears the guild start to whisper in concern. Marie looks at them with a wide eyes as she shook still. Tears start to form in her eyes as she stared at the ground again shaking. The room seemed to close in on her. Her vision went blurry and she felt her head go light. She tried to get her words out but this panic attack wasn't gonna let her. She feels Zach grab her by the shoulders making Marie shoot her head to him with a fearful face
" Hey! What's wrong? Are you okay? Your shaking and cold!" Marie Dosent hear him. She just seems him move his mouth. It seemed every one of her senses had ceased. She sees Wendy come up to her and begin to heal her making her sit. Zach sat in front of her holding her hands as she shook terribly. After a few minutes, they see Marie begin to calm down. She had hung her head. She feels Zach hug her tightly " What's wrong? " Marie put her head on his shoulder " I don't know...its just I couldn't do it.....this fear I have is bad.....I want to but, what if I fuck it up? What if I hurt you? What if-"

I want to but, what if I fuck it up? What if I hurt you? What if-"

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"Stop " Zach said as he looked at her seriously. Than looked at her softly
" Don't focus on the what ifs right now, think of now. Don't overthink things, just do it. It's going to be okay, I promise " Marie sighs and looks away again. Zach forces his face in front of Marie's making a silly face " It's gonna be otay you knew? " he said in a weird voice. Marie laughs. He puts his forehead against hers and laughs
" Now that we calmed you down, are you able to continue?" Marie looks away and nods slightly " Yea....I think"
Zach smiles at her as the guild cheers. Marie and Zach gets up and stands at the alter again. Zach held her hands tightly as they ran through it again. As Zach said his part and said " I Do " Marie felt more relax as the master told her parts to say after him " Do you take Zach as your lawfully wedded husband?" Marie smiled and nods

" I do "

*Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it's short, I'm a bit tired and also school so yea XD Anyways, please stay tuned for the next chapter!*

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