"Did you hear the commotion going on inside? Somebody took and s-class mission," Lucy said.

"Yea, Happy was telling me about that, but I don't have time for petty thievery, I am going to go find the other two zodiac keys," I told her. A celestial wizard will understand.

"Why do you have to have them all? I mean you already have very powerful ones, all you need is the the year of the snake, and the cow,", 'who knows when I need milk?' You thought. A smile made way to your face.

"You knows when I am need for a fresh glass of milk?" You voiced your thoughts, making Haply and Natsu laugh.

She shook your head, a small smile on her face as well, taking your lie.

"Anyways, it's best if I go, since I am looking for the zodiac keys, who knows how much time I have before someone else stumbles across them," you don't know what kind of excuse that was, but they nodded, so it was a decent one. you smiled behind your mask.

You gave a small wave before walking away.

"Good luck (y/n)!" Happy shouted Happily, you didn't turn around, but you knew that Lucy and Natsu were waving happily, again, two more people proud of their bond of friendship with you.

You kept walking, and the moment you were out of the town, but close enough to the docks it wouldn't be a problem to board one if you had to, you took out the s-class mission paper.

It was on a small island, that it says here, it would take about a day to reach the island by boat. However you stop by different pieces of land before you actually reach the place. It was a very secluded area.

It says here that it was a mission to recover someone's sword that had been taken by an unknown animal. One that the person described to be a very dangerous animal, making this a s-class mission.

According to the people, you were not a s-class, but you knew you were. Since everybody only knows part of your power, the celestial part. No one knows that you were a dragon-slayer, taught by a dragon by the name of Anastasia. That dragon was a frost dragon, and we all know the weakness frost has. Fire.

However, you were taught by a dragon, one that knows her weakness, and knows what to do. She taught you it as well.

You don't really like to have the unfair advantage of this, and you were never one to brag, so you learned the ways of celestial beings.

However, you may need to show this beast what you truly are made of.


You had arrived at the island, about an hour earlier, and already had 'interigated' the villagers of a small village that was right by the coast of the island.

You learned what the beast kind of looked like, and also learned that the villagers never really explored the island, even though they have been here for decades. They were afraid of the beat that made it's presence known since their ancestors first came here.

They never bothered it, and the beast never bothered them. It was a silent agreement, until a sword was taken.

Apparently the sword had power, and was a very important sword in the village.

If it was just a normal iron or whatever sword, you didn't think they would have made a request to go and get it back. Since they are paying a great sum of money.

You had taken way, and entered the unexplored forested area that was said the beast had taken retreat to.

Beside you was Loke, otherwise known as Leo the Lion, and Aries. You had summoned Aries for someone to talk to, and Loke, like on every other mission, had summoned himself in order to protect you.

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