Chapter 1- How Didn't We See It?

Start from the beginning

"Wow" Xabi said as the others turned the attention away from hallway and back to each other. "Did that all just happen?" Nagore asked as she tried to get her head around what Molly had said. "And Junior. Oh my God he has to be ok" Anderia cried. "I'm sure he will be sweetie" Fabio said moving to hold his wife. "He looked so ill" she said. "It was hard for me to see it and I'm not his mother. I can't imagine what Molly felt like" Nagore said as Sergio moved towards the kitchen table.

"What are you doing?" Iker asked as Sergio picked up a bottle of wine. "I doubt I'm the only one who needs a drink after that" he said taking a swig out of the bottle. He rehashed certain things in his head from the past year. How Molly moved away from Madrid for a while. The way Cristiano had acted at times. Tiny little things that put together he couldn't see how he missed it. How they all hadn't seen that Molly was the mother of Cristiano's son.

"Cristiano leave it. I will tell Dolores" Jorge said as he drove while Cristiano fiddled with the phone in his hands. "They need to know" he said. "And they will. Just not right now. We'll be there soon" Jorge said as he moved the car pass a slower car.

"I thought you were the opinion that some boys didn't need their mother" Irina said remembering some of what Cristiano had told her when he had eventually informed her that he was going to be a father. "I know you are angry with me" he said not turning around to the back seat from the front. "I'm not angry. I'm furious" she yelled. "This isn't the time to have this conversation" Jorge said. "I can't believe I sat across the table from her and didn't know the truth. She was two doors away from you. You said his mother was not going to be a part of his life. Of yours" Irina snapped. "Irina" Jorge said. "But that slut couldn't have being any more part of your life" she shouted. "My son is sick Irina" Cristiano yelled. "And-

"We are here" Jorge said cutting the model of from speaking as he pulled outside the front doors of the hospital. "Go find them" Jorge said as Cristiano opened the car door. He didn't even bother to wait for Irina. He just slammed the car door shut and ran towards the doors. The reception was quite but he didn't notice that as he ran up to the front desk.

"My son...He....An ambulance..." he stammered. The nurse behind the desk looked up at him. "Ok Sir take a deep breath and then try saying that again" she said. "His son was brought in an ambulance here a few moments ago. He's six months old" Cristiano heard someone say and turned to find Ana and Pepe walking towards him. "I'll just see what I can find out" the nurse replied. "I need to see my son" Cristiano said. "You will mate. You will. Just let her find where he is first" Pepe said placing his hand on Cristiano's shoulder.

"How did I get here before you?" Cristiano asked Pepe needing a distraction while he waited for the nurse. "A stupid driver delayed us" Ana said with her arms crossed. "Some guy wouldn't get out of my way" Pepe said. "I wasn't referring to that driver" Ana said wanting to see Molly. Pepe had just drove to the hospital and hadn't asked his girlfriend about what had happened. He knew it wasn't right time. But he would find out everything that she knew soon.

"Senor Ronaldo" a nurse said to the right of them. "Yes" Cristiano replied. "If you would follow me please" she smiled. "Where is my son? Is he ok? Can I see him?" he asked as the three of them followed the nurse through a door. "He's being well looked after right now. I promise as soon as the doctor is able he will speak to you" she said. "Please can I see him" Cristiano begged. "The doctor will be with you as soon as he can. For now I'm afraid that you will have to wait" the nurse said. "But my son" Cristiano said.

"Cris you heard her. The doctor is with Junior" Pepe said. "As soon as he can he will come find you" the nurse said as they walked. "Have you seen the woman that came with him in the ambulance?" Ana asked. "Oh my God where is Molly? Is she on her own?" Cristiano asked suddenly worried if she was ok. He had seen fear in her eyes at the house. "I have and she's just right this way" the nurse said pushing open some doors.

"Molly" Ana said rushing to where Molly was pacing up and down in the hallway. Molly turned towards them with her arms wrapped around her body trying in vain to stop shaking. "Have they said anything?" Molly asked to know one in particular. "Like I was saying, as soon as the doctor is free he will be in to speak to you. I'm sorry but right now you have to wait and I know that's hard. The family room is through here" the nurse said moving to open a door to their right. "Come on Molly let's go sit down. You're still shock" Ana said. "Thank you for your help" Pepe said to the nurse. "As soon as we have news someone will come find you" she said and Cristiano nodded as he watched Ana take Molly into the family room.

"Come on mate, you should take a seat too" Pepe said gently pulling his friend towards the room. They entered the quite room and found Ana sitting beside Molly on one of the four couches in the room. Ana had her hand on Molly's back as she rested her elbows on her knees with her head in her hands mumbling something Cristiano couldn't understand.

"Let's sit" Pepe said to Cristiano nodding to the couch opposite Molly and Ana. Cristiano slowly took a seat and looked across the room. He saw how Molly's legs were bouncing. How her arms were shaking. He moved to stand when Pepe's arm came out in front of him.

"Don't. Not right now Cris" he whispered. Cristiano looked at him and nodded. He looked back to Molly and saw Ana reassuring her. He saw Molly wipe her eyes and then she looked straight at him. He saw worry and sadness in her eyes. And he knew that she was seeing the same in his. They just had to wait for news.

They just had to hope that it was the news they both wanted.  

So this is next stage in Cristiano and Molly's life. Thank you to everyone who has read the other stories. I hope you enjoy this one. Feel free to leave a comment.

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