CHAPTER 13- Spirit: Preying

Start from the beginning

While I admired the black kit, Midnight shyly grabbed herself the only rabbit, which was my favorite kind of prey. The creature was a lot bigger than huler, and after she'd dragged it over to our nest with a bit of struggle she laid it at my feet.

It seemed like she read my mind as the kitten asked, "Would you like to share?" Her big purple eyes glinted happily up at me under the light of the Great Spot.

"Of course," I responded politely back. As I reached my head down and tore off a bite, I suddenly realized how hungry I was.

My stomach felt hollow, and it growled greedily for more as I tore at the carcass, taking large bites.

Huh. Who would have known that fighting a human-cat, walking for hours through the woods, playing with your pride and hunting to feed everyone could tire someone out?

Okay, I was being sarcastic. Of course. Haha.

And the whole day I hadn't had a bite to eat. I tried not to be stingy with the rabbit because I noticed Midnight eating very slowly in the effort to look neat, though I could tell she was starving.

I slowed down a bit as I got less hungry, and took large bites while chewing for long periods of time.

When we were almost done with the rabbit my mind reminded itself of Hannah.

No one had invited her or Diamond to have a bite to eat yet, and this thought made me stop eating and stand up.

I picked up the fattest squirrel, a mole and a mouse. Tucking the mouse under my chin and up against my chest, I walked quickly over to Hannah's nest.

Her eyes opened immediantly. So she had been waiting on me to feed her, it seemed.

The cheetah sat up in interest, and licked her lips. A loud cry sounded from under Hannah's hind leg, and Diamond's head popped out from under Hannah's belly.

She had smelled the prey and was waking up to eat, ears shoved foward, eyes shining and pelt fluffed out.

I could imagine she was hungry, from all that playing and walking today. The little kit had every right to be starving.

"Let me fetch you another mouse," I mewed to Hannah, dropping the prey I had at her feet.

She nodded. I turned around to walk to the pile of prey and grasp a mouse in my jaws.

When I arrived back, Hannah had taken a few bites of mole for herself.

"Here, chew this mouse up. After that, spit it out then give it to Diamond. That's the way she's going to be eating for a while, okay?"

Hannah didn't gasp in disgust as I expected her to.

Instead, she took the mouse and chewed it up, then spat it out for the runt kitten.

Diamond began chewing hungrily as I walked away and back to my nest.

Midnight had finished the rabbit and had picked herself the sparrow, which she was almost done with.

"Mmm. I think I like birds best."

"Yeah." I wrinkled my nose and winked down at her.

"But don't really appreciate the feathers! My favorite is rabbit."

She nodded then continued eating.

I grabbed a squirrel from the pile of food then suddenly remembered; Fallan still hadn't come back.

As I heaved myself up to go look for her, Fallan came walking out of the bushes..

Well, about time. My fur instinctively spiked. A smug smile was glued on her face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Diamond meow loudly and run towards Fallan.

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