62. He Protects You And Your Best Friend - Luke

Start from the beginning

You changed into yours in your room, while your friend went over to the bathroom. You handed her her hat, and put yours up on your head. Perfect, you two looked very professional.

So you ran back down to the kitchen where Luke was still cutting up the vegetables.

"LUKE! WE'RE READY!" You yelled, making him drop the knife and jump up in the air.

"Geez," he shook his head and caught his breath, "you scared me."

"We're not scary Lukey! We're chefs!" Y/BFF/N giggled.

Luke turned around at this comment and then began laughing a moment later.

"What?" You asked, rather confused at was so funny.

"Nothing, nothing," he wiped some tears from his eyes, "you two look very professional."

"Thank you," your best friend giggled.

"You know what we need to do?" You asked her.

"Huh?" She crinkled up her face.

"SANDWICHES! BRING ME THE BREAD!" You exploded, surprising everyone, including yourself.

"Geez Y/N, okay okay," he put down his knife and rinsed off his hands, "I'll bring the stuff over, you two go wait at the table."

So you both went over and sat at the table.

"Wheat or white bread?" Luke asked, rummaging through the pantry.

"Wheat," your best friend said.

"Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?" He set the bread down on the counter and went back to the cupboard.

"Smooth," you said, you both hated crunchy peanut butter. Gross, who wants to eat chunks? It was unnatural.

"And grape or strawberry jelly?" He opened the fridge to get out your final ingredient.

"STRAWBERRY!" You both squealed at the same time.

"I admire your enthusiasm," Luke smiled. He got out two knifes, one for peanut butter one for jelly, then took out two slices of bread for each of you and put them down on plates. "Here ya go," he set your plates in front of you, and then put the jars of jam and peanut butter down on the table.

"I'll do peanut butter, you do jelly," Y/BFF/N said, taking your bread and beginning to spread the peanut butter down.

"Okay but make sure you put it on both sides-" you started talking.

"-so it doesn't get soggy," she said at the same time as you. You both giggled and you nodded your head.

"Creepy," Luke muttered to himself, plating the vegetables and then bringing them over to you.

"Thank you Lukey," you both recited, grabbing some baby carrots to eat.

Your friend put her carrot down on the table and went to finish spreading the peanut butter. Unfortunately, her elbow knocked her carrot onto the ground.

"Whoops," she bent down to grab it, and while she was under the table she started screaming, "AGGGHHHHH!"

"What? What!?" You bent down to her eye level to see what she was looking at.

"AHHHH!" She screamed again, pointing to a spot on the ground not far from your head.

"What's going on?" Now Luke was on the scene.

You ignored him however, and turned your head to look at what she was pointing at.

It was a gigantic looking rat.

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