Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request

Start from the beginning

"It's nice to meet you Tema's Mom" said Kairi "I have to say, Tema has been a very good friend to us. I see why he was so kind, he must have got it from you" Zephina smiled

"I think it was more the friends he had around him" said Zephina "lovely to meet you"

Tema then ran over to Jo and Blaze "Mother, I'd like to introduce you to Jo" Jo gave a nod "she's a friend from Ventus City"

"hello there" said Jo "I've got to say, at least I know where he gets his strength from. I hope you don't mind but we're staying in your house"

"I gave them both the house as Aunty Alana, gave me a place to stay"

"yeah...which Tema has promised to help clean up when we're all done" said Blaze "he kind of...left it in a state" Zephina then crossed her arms and frowned

"Tema...have you been doing your chores?" Tema rubbed his head and gave a nervous laugh "Now Tema, I expect to help out fully...understand?"

"Yes Mother" said Tema a little unenergetically.

Tema then stepped over to Lea with Noa and Seje "Mother, this is Lea with Seje and Noa" Zephina knelt down to Lea

"Hello Miss Zephina, it's nice to meet you ma'am" said Lea in a friendly manner

"I've got to say though...I'm surprised" said Seje "I didn't Tema's Mom would be so good looking" Lea tugged on Seje's ear "alright, alright I'll behave I'll behave"

"Excuse me Miss Zephina" said Noa "I really like your's so pretty"

"Why thank you dear" said Zephina

"Oh, oh and look at this" Noa sprouted her white wings

" those are pretty" said Zephina looking at them "that's a nice surprise indeed. May I..." Noa turned to the side and let Zephina feel them "wow...this is a surprise" 

"what...what is?"

"nothing...just talking to myself. Your wings are lovely"

Zephina then stood back up and noticed Z "now have you been keeping?"

"Umm...can't complain, can't complain" said Z "I did a little travelling, a little evil...and a few good fights"

"you looked like you've enjoyed yourself. What are you doing as of now?"

"just...umm...thinking about my chosen career. My boss...kind of a git so I resigned"

"Good for you, just be careful of your employer next time"

"I will, I will don't get at me"

Zephina then turned back round "now...I'm sure I'm missing someone. Where is she?" Eve had walked towards her "oh...there she is"

"It's nice to meet you Zephina" said Eve "forgive me, I can't remember our last meeting I'm afraid. But...I sort of vaguely remember you"

"Like I said, six centuries ago" Zephina then placed both hands on Eve's shoulder "So you're the one that Tema likes so much?" Eve and Tema went bright red

"well...we've...been through a lot...together" said Tema shyly

"Tema...was the one who saved me" said Eve happily "he's very important to me"

"As you are to him Eve" said Zephina gently.

Zephina knelt down and looked between them "both of you have gone through so much, and yet you've always been there for one another. Even when Tema was lost in his despair and were the one Eve who brought him back. Please continue to look after him for me"

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