"My daddy."

"No, baby he didn't. I am here sweetness so is Mariana, and mama who will be here with us soon. Ok? No one has us. No one is going to hurt us or hurt you. I won't ever, ever let that happen. Ever. You hear me my baby. Yes?"

Nodding her head up and down she once again grabbed onto the blonde snuggling her face into her chest not letting go for anything.

"He said I would never see you again. Ever." Callie whimpered as Stef continued to hold her tight rocking her now.

"No love. That is not true. That is not true. I have you and he will never harm any of you. I won't ever let that happen to you." She whispered softly to her now running her back.

"You promise."

"Oh my love I promise. I promise more then anything. Come my baby lets clean you up ok." Quietly she lifted her up carrying her into the bathroom and gently resting her on the sink as she started the bath water.

"Mama, I wet the bed." she said beginning to cry once again as Stef walked back over looking deep into her eyes. 

"It's ok sweetness. It's ok. We will clean you up and put new pajamas on and new bed sheets. Alright? I am a not angry my girl. I'm not angry. No tears sweets." Gently she wiped the girls tears and kissed her soft forehead as Callie began to calm down at bit. As the bath water grew warm Stef placed her in cleaning her up as  Callie splashed around with the bubbles now laughing happily. Stef has happy to see the terrible dream was becoming a distant memory as she got out Callie's favorite shirt from her dresser. 

"Look my girl do you want to wear your favorite shirt of mine?" She said holding up Callie's favorite SDPD police shirt as the young girl nodded her head happily.

"Remember you wore this the first night you stayed with me. Do you remember that sweetness?"

"I was little then. I was six and I'll be seven." she said as the blonde dried her off soon helping her put the shirt on.

"Yes I know you're such a big girl now baby.  You're such a big girl and I can't believe how much you have grown." she said smiling warmly. "You and Mariana are both big girls."

"One day I'll be big like you mommy?"

"Whoa yes but let's not rush it. Ok?  If it was up to me I'd keep you six forever." she said winking and gently stroking the girls cheek.

"Forever! No way! How old are you mama?" Callie asked curiously.

"Ha. Mommy is old. But not too old to take care of you!" She said smiling and picking the girl up in her arms.

"You can stay your age forever too then!"

"I will try to babygirl." She laughed carrying her into the bedroom that would soon be Lena's as Mariana fortunately had not been woken up. "Do you want to sleep in here with us honey?"

"Yes. Will you sleep in here when mama comes?"

"No love this will be her room. I'm going to sleep on the pullout baby in the living room." She whispered  putting the young girl down as the blonde slid in the middle of the bed with both girls on either side of her. Callie soon however climbed on top of her as Stef gently rubbed the side of her face.

"Oh how come?"

"How come what love?"

"How come you won't sleep in here with Mama?" This was surly a tricky question and the blonde tried to think of the best answer she could for Callie was so young and innocent. Truth was she would love to sleep with Lena every night and hold her in her arms tight and make love to her.  But she had to stop thinking that.  There was no way and never would be. 

"Well my love she needs a nice large bed to get better sweetness and room to move around, and we all have our own rooms.  You and Mariana have yours, I have mine and your mama has hers."

"Oh. So we can't sleep in here either sometimes?"

"Of course you can baby. Your mama would love to have you, you know that my girl."

"But in the hosptial  we fell asleep during the movie and slept in one room. I liked that mommy."

"Yeah how come baby?" she asked smiling wide and continuing to stroke the young girls face as she felt very much the same. The times they all had fallen asleep on the movies during those weekend nights had stuck so much in her brain.  These three including Lena had really become her family and she had vowed to protect them more then anything from anyone. The blonde knew Lena was still very much afraid she could see it from time to time but she continued to reassure her she had nothing to fear. Nothing and never would again.

"Because I felt really really safe. And now I have two mamas. That's the best." Callie continued to whisper as the blonde felt her twirl her blonde hair around her little finger.

"Aww you know baby it is the best I have to say. How about we get some sleep tomorrow is a big, bit day for all of us." Gently she kissed her soft head as Callie snuggled more into the cop."Goodnight my little bear I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy." With this the two fell deep asleep as Mariana now snuggled just as close to the cop as Stef wrapped her other arm around her.


Next chapter Lena comes home

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