Chapter 1

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Ethelia's pov

My story starts on a Monday. It was like most other Mondays... mostly. It was the day my life would change forever, so I guess that sets it apart. If only I'd napped in class that day. There's nothing I can do now, so I'll just start... not that I would want to change anything since things actually turned out okay- Okay, yeah I'll start.


Today is Monday, the worst day of the week, the bane of my existence, death. Whatever you want to call it. So instead of wearing socially acceptable clothes, I'm wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, because I'm allowed to, and because it's Monday. And Mondays call for special measures.

"Ethelia Syoko!" I looked up, lazily raising my hand. He saw me come in, so I'm not sure why he's asked. "Here." I said in a bland tone. Nobody looked at me, but that's normal. They never do: and I'm glad. "Ryuki Taki!" The teacher called another name. "Here!" Ryuki announced in a loud tone. A few girls blushed, letting out obnoxious giggles and fixing their hair.

And then there's me, the chick in the back of the class who looks homeless. I didn't even bother with my hair, it's not like there's anyone here worth impressing. I just ran my fingers through it a few times before throwing it up into a bun. I guess I probably should have combed it. And I would have if I actually cared what people thought of me.

"Kira Trake!" The teacher called. I have no idea why he's so loud, nobody is talking over him. Maybe it's a force of habit, because at the beginning of the year everyone seemed so full of life. Still hyper from summer. However, over the course of the first semester, we've all died inside.

Well, not me. I was already dead inside before this year started.

The teacher cleared his throat even though our attention was already on him. "Today will be different than others. Some special guests have come to visit us." He told us, looking over the crowd. "Who are they?" Someone questioned, which of course caused everyone to look at them. This is why I don't ask questions, no matter how questionable the situation.

The teacher gave us one of those forced smiles, looking like he was in physical pain. "A team of ninja." He said, sounding almost prideful. "Wow, are they our age?" Someone awed. Like I said before, ninja's like cats to us 'mice'. "Some of them," The teacher said. "Excluding their sensei, The Yellow Flash."

The room exploded with excited whispers for the first time in a long time. Even us civilians knew who that was. He's a legend to us, faster than the speed of light as they say. I don't think he's all that great. But I honestly can't really talk, because I'm not all that great myself. I've met very few notable people in my life... who knows, maybe this flash dude and his team will surprise me.

"Everyone settle down!" The teacher shushed, looking annoyed. The room sort of quieted down, but people would still giggle, or squeal, or whisper something to their friend. Ninja like him are the celebrities of the ninja world. They make posters with their faces plastered on them. My dad still has a one from when the second Hokage was still alive. Tobirama Senju, a great man my dad says.

"Minato-san, if you and your team would please join us!" Why's he sound so smug, and why's he looking towards the door so creepily? Either way, we all followed his gaze. I couldn't resist, I wanted to see if they edited his face on the fronts of magazines or not. Sure enough, the door opened. A tall man stepped in. He had blonde hair and striking blue eyes. 

There was no doubt about it. That was The Yellow Flash, and for some reason he was at our school. Not the one on the richer side of town. No, he'd chosen our dingy little school, and our dingy little class. It was a bit... unbelievable. There has to be another reason they're here.

Everyone awed at him as he walked in. He smiled and waved as though he were in a parade, his team following behind him. I blinked at the group, my eyes moving every which way as I analyzed them. The Uchiha one is grinning like an idiot. Odd for someone from such a powerful clan, but clearly possible. There's a girl with clan marking too, but I've never seen them. Two purple rectangles. And then the last one looks like a walking rock. His face, well what I can actually see of it, is stoic. His posture is stiff too.

"Please do introduce yourself, Minato-san." My teacher gave a rare, genuine smile. The blonde dude, dubbed Minato-san, smiled. "Hello, everyone!" My name is Minato Namikaze, and these are my students: Kakashi Hatake," He pointed to the walking rock who let out a 'humph', "Rin Nohara," The girl smiled and waved, "and Obito Uchiha." The boy grinned wider if that's even possible. He adjusted the goggles on his head, seeming almost bashful.

"Whoa!" The boy in front of me awed. I rolled my eyes at my classmates. They're acting like little kids going to see Santa Claus! Then again, I'm the only one not acting like them, so I guess I'm the odd one out. I don't really care, though. They can act like children all they want, so long as they don't bother me.

I made the mistake of looking up and accidentally made eye contact with Minato-san. His blue eyes were absolutely piercing. I raised an eyebrow, glancing at his students who glanced back. They seemed almost uncomfortable for some reason. I blinked at them boredly, my eyes drifting back over to Minato-san. He smiled at me. Or maybe he just smiled in my general direction. I'm not too sure.

I looked behind me to see if there was someone there even though I know I sit at the back of the class. There was no one there, and this made me frown. I turned back around only to see that the guy was still staring at me. In all honesty, it's a bit creepy. Like, can he not? 


Alright, so this next part I'm going to tell you will explain a lot. Like why the all amazing Yellow Flash would come to a ratty school like the one I used to attend, and why he was staring at me like a pedophile. And no, it's not because he's actually a pedophile, he actually had a plausible reason.

So, let's continue then.

Third person pov

Team Minato as on a mission. It was a C-class, nothing too big. Rin and Obito were still genin after all. You see, a ninja passing by one of the civilian schools said that he could feel a large amount of chakra from across the street. It was pretty concerning news considering this was war time. They had to investigate, even if it was probably nothing.

The Hokage had sent Team Minato on the case simply because they had walked in, conveniently enough, right after he'd been told. The Third wanted it checked out as soon as possible, so he just handed it right on over to them. His forcefulness and seriousness on the subject left no room for arguing.

They were able to feel it the second they arrived. It was huge, and Minato felt like it may rival Kushina's. And Kushina was an Uzumaki! Even Obito noticed the disturbance, and he's Obito. So they were quick to rush in, half-expecting some sort of fight. This felt like an intruder to them.

They got in, got visitor tags, and were sent to the oldest class the school had. A child younger than twelve or thirteen wouldn't be able to hold so much chakra without exploding. Well, that's what Minato thought. And it appeared he was right, too. Their target was in this room.

"Do you think it's a spy, sensei?" Rin questioned as they waited for the teacher to call them in. "I don't know," Minato answered honestly. He didn't think it was a spy. A spy would be much more likely to invade a ninja academy, not a civilian one. "It could just be a kid with a large amount of chakra."

"Then why wouldn't they be a ninja?" Obito blinked. If someone had that much chakra, shouldn't they put it to use? "Maybe they were raised a civilian." Rin piped up, shrugging her shoulders. "Rin is probably right," Minato said before adding. "If it is just a kid with lots of chakra."

"Minato-san, if you and your team would please join us!"

Minato stepped in.

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