Confessions Part Two (Chapter 20)

Start from the beginning


*Next day 15 minuets before the bell rings for lunch*

Shane P.O.V

We finished gym early and had fifteen minuets of free time. Kayce was dismissed early to go to her locker and get her pair of Nike slide in. "Shane, we gotta talk. Now!" Courtney said in a loud tone. When was Courtney ever loud? "Wassup?" I asked as she pulled me to a secluded area. "Tell her. Today! Not tomorrow, not next week, TODAY!" She said almost screaming at me. "Where is this coming from? I'll tell her when I'm ready!" I argued back. "Fuck when you're ready! I swear on life if you don't tell her I will." She said through her teeth. I arched my brow. "You wouldn't." I challenged. She stepped toward me and looked in my eyes. "Try me." She said smirking. Just as she said that she took off running. "I'M TELLING HER!" Courtney yelled as she ran through the crowd of students. I took off after her. "YO, COURTNEY CHILL OUT!!" I screamed. Me heart was beating a mile per minuet. This can't be happening to me, to us. I love Kayce more than life itself. I would die and kill for her, but my lies and mistakes were about to end my relationship. I finally caught up with Courtney and she was standing next to Kayce. Was I too late? I looked at Courtney and Kayce while trying to regain my breath. "What's going on?" Kayce asked looking at me and Courtney. Then Meya came and stood by her, but said nothing. "TELL HER!" Courtney said. Her voice was cracking like she was about to cry. Hurting her bestfriend/sister was also hurting her. "Courtney, please. I-I can't.." I said looking at her with pleading eyes. "Tell me what? What the fuck is going on?!" Kayce yelled. "Please, just tell her!" Courtney said now in tears. I hated to see any female cry, so I had no choice. Tears burned in my eyes, but I refused to let then fall. I took a deep breath and looked at my baby, my everything, my world. My world that was about to end. "Baby, I'm sorry... I didn't know it would happen, but-." I said before Kayce cut me off. "Shane, what happened?" She hissed. The look in her eyes told me with its already over between us, I couldn't help but want to die right then and there. "She.. I got her pregnant." I said almost above a whisper. "You got my bestfriend pregnant?!" She asked stepping towards me. I took a step back. "No, umm... Angela." I said. My voice was cracking. In a matter of weeks all my happiness was being taken from me. "WHAT?! AFTER ALL THE SHIT I TOLD YOU ABOUT HER, AND YOU STILL CHEAT ON ME?!" She screamed. "Baby, I didn't cheat on you, it was before we even got together. We hooked up this summer, right up until school started. Baby, I swear I didn't mean for this to happen!" I yelled. Never in my life had I been so scared to loose a person I loved. Kayce understood me in every way possible, now what do o have with out her? "When was the last time you fucked her?" She questioned. Her Puerto Rican accent had now taken over her speech and I could barely understand what she was saying. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Oh, you can't fucking hear me?! I SAID WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU FUCKED HER?!" She screamed looking up at my face. She was too short to be in my face, and that I am thankful for. "Like two and a half, almost three months ago." I said calmly. "Was that the last time you had any sexual contact with her?" She asked. Her voice and softened and her face was not as red as it was. "Kayce, no. But-." I aid before she slapped me hard across the face. "When?!" She yelled. I could see the tears beginning to spring in her eyes. By this time the whole cafeteria was now paying attention to us and our argument. "Baby, can we talk about this later?" I asked stepping towards her. "Don't. Touch. Me. Answer my fucking questing nigga!" Kayce yelled. "Our first date.." I said in a hushed tone, but she could obviously hear me cause she was bout to slap me again. Josiah held her back by her waist and whispered in her ear and she calmed down a little. "OUR FIRST DATE SHANE! I LET YOU IN MY HEART, I TRUSTED YOU! I LET YOU TAKE MY FUCKING VIRGINITY, AND YOU LIE TO ME OUR ENTIRE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP?!" She yelled. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and I wanted to wipe them away, but that would earn me another slap. "I'm sorry-." I started, but she cut me off again. "I KNOW YOU'RE SORRY! YOU A SORRY ASS NIGGA, WHO I FUCKING HATE!" She screamed. Those words cut me deep and I couldn't say anything. It was quiet for a minuet before I spoke again. "She's not keeping  the baby." I whispered. Her eyes shot up in my direction. "Wow." She said shaking her head. I noticed Josiah was still holding her and that made me mad. "Well how come you can talk to Josiah, and let him hold you, but I fuck Angela way before I knew you and you're mad!" I questioned. I looked over to my right and saw Aiden make the 'you done fucked all the way up' face. Damn, what the fuck did I start now? "THE DIFFERENCE IS I MIGHT CARRY A CONVERSATION WITH HIM, BUT I'M NOT CARRYING HIS CHILD! I'M CARRYING YOURS!" She yelled. Her face was a deep red and she wasn't crying anymore. "You're pregnant?" I asked happily. "Yes, but sadly for you, you're not about to lose just one child. You're losing two." She said looking in my eyes. "You're not aborting my fucking child, Kayce!" I yelled. It already hurt that Angela don't wanna keep hers, but now Kayce is doing the same. "Its already done. My appointment is soon, and I don't want you there." She said. She seemed unfazed about this situation and that angered me to the fullest. "BABY, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! I NEED NEED YOU KAYCE, I WANT THIS BABY, I WANT YOU! " I yelled taking her in my arms. I can't let this happen, with everything going on around me she can't just do this. My head won't even be in the game Friday. "I can't do this. I'm sorry, Shane. I love you, but we are over." She said pushing herself out of my embrace. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips for the last time. "Te amo." She said against my lips. "I love you too." I said and she wiped  our tears away. She slowly walked away and grabbed Meya and Courtney hand and left the cafeteria. She pregnant and she gonna have an abortion. "I told you not to bring up Josiah, bruh." Aiden said. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. My life was literally over, but I gotta make this right.


~ Wow! Did y'all like this chapter?

~ Was Kayce wrong for breaking up with Shane?

~ Was she wrong for yelling at Meya?





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