"Onay-chan!!" The child cried again and held on tighter.

"C'mon! Move away!!" the adults cornered them, their shadows dropping over the children at the corner.

"No! Wait! STOP!!"

==== Woke up ====

Reima woke up in sweats. 

"Oh you woke up!" she heard a familiar voice friendly-shout and looked over to the source to see her senpai.

She hurriedly looked around, and noticed her brother too.

"Ryoo..-" her eyes widened at realization. She wasn't moving her legs, or any muscle for that matter, but they were walking forward.

"Yo!" she heard a familiar friendly voice call out to her and they stopped.

"Kiku-senpai..?" a whisper escaped her lips as she tightened her arms over his neck.

"Don't worry you don't have to move now~ I'll carry you all the way kya~" She heard Kikumaru-senpai say. 

She looked both her sides again, to see Momo-senpai grinning and Ryoma smirking.

Sighing, she let loose and nuzzled into the older male's neck.

"Hehe! That's how it should be, kya~!" Kiku-senpai said, continuing to walk. 

==== Time Skip ====

They walked for a few minutes. For some reason, Reima couldn't fall asleep anymore, or she didn't want to. And even though the group was chatting like usual, her mind couldn't help but wonder. 

And sadly enough, it wondered through the narrow corridors towards the darkest depths. 

'Aoi,' she thought. 'Wonder how she's doing right now...'

'Aoi, Kuro, Kiiro, Shiro, Midori. I wonder how they're doing,' she thought, imagining familiar faces.

"Ochibi 2, did you say something kya~?" Her senpai asked.

"Huh, no. I didn't," she replied hastily. 'Did I think those aloud?' 

"Speaking of which, you feel better?" our hero asked.

But before his sister could answer, Momo-senpai interrupted. 

"Lemme check," he said and put his hand over her forehead, and took it away after a few seconds.

"It's pretty bad, but better than when we found you sleeping!" he exclaimed the last part happily. 

"Hm," she murmured and nuzzled again.

"Aoi," she heard him whisper, which made her widen her eyes. She thought she misheard him for a second but his next line cleared her doubt.

"Kuro, Kiiro, Shiro, Midori," he whispered.

"Kya~ Are those names of people~~?" Kiku-senpai said cheerfully. 

"What are names of people?" Ryoma asked, in a curious tone.

"Nothing, nothing~ Right, ochibi 2? Kya~!" he shrugged off.

For a second, Reima's mind went towards the gate of fear and knocked.

'I don't want Ryo to know this,' she thought and shook her head lightly.

'Don't worry I won't dig in,' she heard him whisper again. She still doubted his words, but there was this calmness inside her that she couldn't resist noticing, and nodded slightly, hoping that her senpai got the signal.

==== The Twins' Residence ====

"Echizen 2," Momo-senpai said softly, shaking her lightly.

"Oh yeah, you can put me down now," Reima said, realizing that they reached their place already.

"Ok~" Kiku-senpai said, doing what she asked him to.

Reima stretched for a second. 'My muscles feel weird.'

"Thanks, senpai," she said, bowing. 

"C'mon! It's a senpai's duty to take care of his kouhai, kya~!" he said. 

Soon after exchanging a few talks, the two groups departed in their own way.

Going in to their shared room, the warrior's legs gave away and she fell face first into her bed. 

After a while, she could feel her brother's weight fall onto the bed. 

"Sup'" she heard him say.

She looked up to see his eyes fixated on a book, who's cover was too blurry for her simple mind to comprehend at the moment.

"Oh hey," his sister replied, and a long silence followed.

It wasn't an awkward silence where the conversation didn't continue because they didn't know what to talk about, it was an understanding silence. 

"Book," she said.

"It's nice. Would recommend. Fever?" he replied.

"Better," she replied, and the silence continued. 


"Ryoma! Reima! Do you want anything to eat?!" a shout from the floor below broke their silence. 

"Onigiri!" They both said at the same time, with Reima growling (with her face still in the bed), and Ryoma shouted to let their cousin know.

A second passed and the looked at each other.

"How come it scares me how similar we are?" Reima asked.

"Same question here," Ryoma replied.

Eeheheheheheh *rubs the back of my neck*

*cough*  4 months?

no update *cough*

*cough* laz-busy!! *cough*


Sorry I know I took a break for December because I had my exam and it's been 2 months since then cuz I was laz-- BUSY!! I WAS BUSY!! (totally, I swear)

Sorry, guys I know it's my fault.

I just wanted to ask, if you have like a sibling that's totally like you, wouldn't it scare you?

Like I have an older brother who's 5 years older than me. And our thoughts are alike, our speech is alike, our habits are alike, our interests are like, we close the door of our car at the exact same time, we cough at the same time, we say stuff at the same time every day.

It goddamn scares me I wonder why.

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