He walked away, only letting go of her hand when their hands could stretch no more. He continued on his path to the army to fight for his country. She knew that it would be a long road until she saw him again. Her hope of ever seeing him again was faint, but she would not let that get in her way.

She went back inside her apartment. She closed the front door and leaned against it. She closed her eyes and pictured the moment she would be with him again. She pictured the two of them with three beautiful little girls, living on a small sheep farm in Poland. Nothing to worry about but which of the five would be the first to hold a lamb at the beginning of spring. She pictured all the seasons and years she would spend there with Peter. She pictured the moment her daughters would leave the house to be with their husbands. With hopeful reassurance, she opened her eyes and walked back to her room.

She counted the days that passed by. First one week, then two, then five. A few months went by before Peter came to visit her. Abigail was thrilled to receive a letter from him stating that he was coming back for a couple weeks.

Peter arrived late in the night on November 8, 1937- Abigail's birthday. She had everything ready - a delicious meal, a white wine, and a small German chocolate cake - her favorite. She spent all day waiting for Peter to knock on her door but not one knock was heard. She put everything away, even blew out the one candle on her cake, sending a minute cloud of black smoke in the air. She showered and got ready for bed. As she began to get in bed, there was a knock at the door. Abigail got up to open the door.

"Hello?" she asked tiredly as she opened the door.

"Abigail Jacobson?" the man asked her.

"Yes, I'm Abigail Jacobson. Is there something you need?"

"I was told to give this letter to you."

"May I ask to whom is it from?"

"A man named Peter Scheiger wanted me to give it to you."

"Did you say Scheiger?"

"Why yes. Peter..." she grabbed the letter and closed the door.

"Why would Peter write a letter to me after saying he was going to be in town today?" she asked herself. She opened the letter.

             To my dearest Abigail,

I am truly sorry I missed your twenty-third birthday. I would have been there, but something came up here in Munich. I wish that I could be there to give a hug and kiss. Please save a slice of cake for me. Take the dandelion inside of this letter and make lots of wishes.

                                                                       Your love,

She took out the dandelion he sent her and took it the window. She opened the window wide and stuck her head out just enough to feel the wind in her hair. She then took the dandelion, blew it into the wind, and made her wishes.

"Meine liebe können meine wünsche sie bald finden," she said as she watched what was her dandelion fly off into the midnight sky. "And goodnight, Peter."

She closed the window and walked back to her bedroom. Mido meowed at her feet as she walked passed him.

"Just this one time, Mido," she told him as she bent down and picked him up. "Only because I'm lonely tonight on my birthday."

She laid down in her squeaky bed with Mido and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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