Eight - Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Dresden can't believe it. His mate has bruises spreading throughout her body under her clothes. How far did they go? Why isn't she telling anyone? Who dared lay a hand on her? He only thought it was a bruise on the neck but this is unacceptable. Did her brothers do this? No, he realizes that's impossible when he remembers how protective of her they are. They must know who though.

Dresden lifts his head, capturing Julie's warm umber eyes. "We will talk about this later."

Julie quickly nods, dropping her eyes to stare at his chest. He reaches up, quickly wanting to mark what belongs to him. Grabbing the back of her head gently, he arches her back and leans closer, inhaling her scent like it might disappear from him. He can't help but nuzzle his nose in her neck, kissing her skin softly. He loves the taste of her salty sweat on his lips. It contradicts the sweet taste of her skin and the sweet scent that covers her. Inhaling once more, he prepares his fangs and then bites her, marking her as part of his pack. She whimpers under the small bite, a sound that makes his wolf pleased and he wants so much to take her right then and there.

Suddenly, it stops. The urges go away. His wolf calms and even restrains himself on marking her. He isn't rejecting her but he's instinctively waiting as if something was wrong. Dresden pulls away, letting her go so she can tend to the new wound while he tries to figure out what changed. He doesn't understand any of it. All this time, he's been suffering the consequences of having her near enough to tease him and now that he has the right to touch her, his wolf wants him to be patient.

When have they've ever been patient?

Dresden gestures quietly for Julie to follow him. He walks ahead, clearing the path for her but constantly checks to make sure she doesn't fall behind. She follows him at a slow pace, keeping her hand at her neck while she stares at the ground, deep in thought. They enter the valley shortly after. Ollie has already beaten them there, keeping her brothers back behind him as they growl angrily at Dresden. Dresden merely grins through a snarl, threatening to teach them a lesson or two.

Jack greets them with a proud smug, glancing over Julie. Quickly, he realizes that Dresden hasn't marked her and turns to his Alpha with a frown. Dresden ignores him, facing off with Ollie who doesn't look too happy by the arrangement.

"So," Jack says, breaking the silence and greeting Julie with a charming grin. "When you did shift were you a beta, warrior or omega?"

Andy and Zach growl from behind Ollie but Julie ignores the invasive question and avoids eye contact with her new beta. He seems to be processing her, attempting to figure her out and she doesn't like that feeling. He stands close to her, closer than what she feels is necessary but being a new pack member, she doesn't question it.

"Sorry, I couldn't get to you first." Ollie apologizes to her and Jack growls lowly as the other Alpha steps near his soon-to-be-Alpha-mate. Ollie smirks in return, understanding that Jack is only protecting his Alpha's property. Julie, unsure of the situation, smiles small, accepting Ollie's apology with a simple shake of her head.

"May I speak with my brothers?" She asks quietly, unsure of whether or not she'll be allowed to. Ollie glances at Dresden who nods after a long pause and her twin brothers run up to her immediately.

Hurrying her aside, they hug her as tightly as they can without hurting her and whisper their apologies.

"Well then," Jack says with a wide grin. "Let's do some celebrating!"

Julie, relieved that the silent atmosphere is now being filled with laughing and talking from all of the Were present, rubs her face as she leans into her brother's embrace.

"What am I going to do?" She asks, her voice cracking as she tries to hold back her tears. "I don't know anyone...I can't do anything."

"Relax," Andy hushes her, holding her close. "It's going to be all right. They're your pack mates now. They won't hurt you."

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