Juvia sighed in defeat.

"Well, who wouldn't? I love your dad so much." Juvia said while blushing.

"I knew it. So...will you forgive dad if he apologize to you?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. But I want him to put a little effort on it." Juvia said.

"You're so choosy mom." Jay said.

"I should be. He made me jealous and it's really bad to make Juvia Lockser jealous." Juvia said.

"Okay." Jay said.

Juvia smiled and messed Jay's hair.

"Mom, can I ask something?" Jay asked.

"Okay. What is it?" Juvia asked.

"Where did you met dad?" Jay asked with a smile.

Juvia blushed, remembering her moments with Gray.

"Why did you asked that?" Juvia asked while blushing.

"Because I want to know your love story." Jay said and smiled.

"Okay fine. Well, I really didn't have a proper meeting with your dad..."

Juvia keeps on talking and she wasn't looking to Jay because she was busy remembering the times with Gray. While Juvia was busy talking, Jay get his phone and texted his dad.

'Dad, I already kept her busy. Aren't you done yet?' Jay texted.

"Just keep her busy for a little longer. Were just finishing it." Gray replied.

'Better hurry it up before we go home.' Jay texted.

"Yes boss." Gray replied.

'Okay dad.' Jay texted.

Jay put back his phone in his pocket. Juvia looked at him once she finished telling him the story on how they met.

"It's like a real romance movie." Jay said.

"I know. Anyway, let's go home now. It's getting dark now." Juvia said.

"But mom, can we stay a little longer here?" Jay said.

"What are you going to do here? Your playmates already go home." Juvia said.

"I want to spend a little more time here with you to...make more memories?" Jay said unsurely.

"Fine. Let's wait till the sunset." Juvia said.

"Thanks mom!" Jay said and hugged her.

They sat down there and talked about random things. When the sunset, they walked home. When they finally arrived there, Jay went in first. Juvia followed him to the garden.

Juvia was confused on why Jay led her to the garden. The garden was dark and she was about to turn on the switch when suddenly, it litted up. It formed the words 'I'm Sorry.' Then the whole garden lit up. There was small lights hanging. Gray then showed up, holding a boquet of blue roses. Juvia smiled at him.

"Babe...I'm really sorry for letting those ladies to flirt me in front of your face...I know it's really rude but believe me, I didn't noticed them. Coz' my eyes was busy on staring at your beauty. My mind was busy thinking about you and my heart was busy...beating for you. And my feelings was busy loving you." Gray said.

Juvia blushed and her heart fluttered from what Gray said. The butterflies in her stomach was getting wild. Gray handed her the roses and hold her hands.

"I love you so much...please forgive me. I can't sleep well last night because I know that were not okay...and when you ignored me last night...it pained me a lot...I can't stand seeing you get mad at me...I want us to be okay...I want to see you happy with me...I promise I won't do it again just please forgive me." Gray said.

Juvia can't help but to feel really guilty for making him feel this way. She pulled him into a hug.

"I should be the one who's sorry. I'm so sensitive...I didn't think about what would you feel. I got jealous easily..." Juvia said.

Gray pulled away in the hug and he hold Juvia's face.

"That's fine if you got jealous. It just simply means that you love me enough." Gray said.

Juvia kissed him passionately and broke the kiss.

"I love you Gray Fullbuster." Juvia said.

"I love you too Juvia Lockser." Gray said.

He pulled her into a hug. A smile was plastered on his handsome face. Coz' finally, they fixed the problem already.

[A/N: Waaaaaahhh!!! Why u readers do this to me?! You readers are making me feel bad on ending this story. But I'm not telling you that this is the end. The end is still far away. The comments was making me hard to end the book. Because you readers doesn't want this to end. I too doesn't want this to end but you know, every story has an ending whether you like it or not,it will really end. I was really happy and fluttered by your comments readers. This story had a lot of plot twists. I only planned one in the first place but because of the comments, I changed the plan. Your comments really affect me and this story. Thank you for your feedbacks and for reading and I hope for another feedbacks. I really love ya'll readers! All of you readers are making me very happy! :-*      ....]

Not only the active readers but also the silent readers.♥

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now