We Finally Meet

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🍁Kat's POV

I awoke a little after 10 and got dressed for the day. I walked down stairs and grabbed some toast and a few pieces of bacon.

Grabbing my boots and camera I ran to the park. I breathed in the cold air feeling all my senses waking up. Finally reaching the park, kids where everywhere throwing snowballs and making snow men.

I glanced around before jumping the chan link fence to run into the forest sorounding my town. Turning on my camera, I snapped a few pics of the trees with snow instead of leaves covering their branches. I walked for about another hour or so till I reached a small pond. Setting down my gear I took a seat under a birch tree. The birch trees where my favorite kind of tree. In the fall these trees turn yellow and pale orange. One of my favorite colours.

Letting out a contented sigh I closed my eyes, listening to the silence. Giggling ever so quietly I look around searching for another picture. " What should I take a picture of now?" I asked my self watching my smokey breath drift up to the cloud filled sky.

"Well I'm always up for a few close ups if you want." Spinning my head around and bolting up right. I looked behind me to see a boy around my age lazily lying in a old maple tree branch. He wore only a blue sweat shirt and tattered pants, but he was bare foot! He had white hair and held a twisted staff of some kind. "Aren't you freezing your butt off," I ask letting a small laugh leave my mouth.

The boy jumped and looked at me with pure and utter shock on his face looking at me if I had three heads or something. Then he asked me something that really threw me.

" Wait... you can see ME!! But only kids can see me if anyone at all! But a Teen!" Still staring at me. I gave him a questioning look tilting my head a little to the right. " Well I am able to see many things. I do have eyes ya know." I laughed again.

He hopped down from the tree branch and approached me. He stuck his hand out to shake. I gladly accepted and gave him a firm shake. " My name is Kat Birch! What's yours?" "Well I go by many names ... but most call me Jack Frost." He smirked. My jaw dropped after he introduced him self. My mind went blank for a minute and he smirked even more if it was possible.

"Know what... your kind of cute..." he began to look me up and down. This snapped me out of my daze and felt a definite blush grasp my cheeks.

Glancing away to try to hide it I heard a twig snap from in front of us. I opened my eyes and looked behind Jack to see a large cougar crouched down flicking its tail back and forth looking right at us. I gulped widening my eyes in fear. Jack, finally sensing my fear slowly turns his head and sees the large cat. Edging ever so closer. "Hold on to me," he whispers so quietly I could barely heard him.

'I barely know this guy and he's telling me to hold on to him! But it's better than getting attacked' I grasped his sweatshirt tightly leaning on him slightly. He wraped one arm around me and held his staff up and yelled something to the wind.

At the sudden loud noise the cougar leapt at us. I closed my eyes and felt a sudden jolt upwards. Wind whipped my hair back as the snow stung my face. Soon we leveled out and I realized how tightly I was gripping Jack's sweater. He laughed at my blush that crept once again across my face. I mentally curse myself for letting him see.

"Come on. Your missing the best part. Look down," Jack encouraged. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see the forest and park far below us. 'We... we are flying?!' I gave a small yelp at the scene below. "What? Never flown before?" Jack asked even though he knew the answer all to well. I felt the blush deepen a little and told him something even I hadn't shared with my parents even. "Well..." I stammer

"I've always wanted to fly like this but as you can see, I can't fly." Smiling softly in his shoulder.

And I knew that he had his cocky smirk back on his face. We landed a few houses away from mine and I let go of his sweater. But deep down I didn't want to let go, I wanted to hold on a little bit longer. "Well that was fun,"I say with sarcasm clearly noticeable. Jack gave a light chuckle and nodded his head in agreement.

"Well as much at I want to hang here. I need to go to New York and give them their yearly blizzard." Jack said. I thought I detected some disappointment in his voice but soon brushed it off."Well you know where to find me, have a fun time... Frosty." I wink at him and hear him giggle at his new nickname. "Well I'll try...Katnip!" He yelled as he took of in a swirl of snow and wind.

'Katnip... did he just call me Katnip!' I fumed in side and felt a heated blush race across my cheeks again. I hate nicknames but the way he said it was... nice. I shook the thought out of my head and started to walk to my house. I closed the front door and walked into the living room to dry myself off a little.

My dad glanced up at me from the love seat on the right side of the room.

"Well how was today? Get any good pics?" He said bored looking back down at his phone probably playing Angry Birds. "Well if I told you, you will probably not believe me." I stated. Taking my jacket off. "Why... almost get mauled by a bear or something?" He sarcastically questioned. I smiled at him and turned around to leave the room and replied. "Ya. Something like that."

My horrified father watched me walk away and I could not stop thinking about the boy I just met. The boy who saved my life today and I think, for the first time in 15 years... I have a crush on a boy.

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