"Wow, okay." She said laughing it off.

All three of us hooked arms, and left. We arrived at an Italian middle class restaurant. We got seated, and scanned through the menu.

"Hey, what are you getting?" Mahogany asked.

"I'm getting spaghetti because I'm basic. And you two?" I asked.

"Same." Mahogany answered.

"Me too." Crystal replied.

For the rest of the dinner, we talked and laughed. I needed this girl time. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys and all, but I need some girls around.

We payed, and left after eating. We walked to a park, where we got ice cream, and just relaxed.

The girls broke off into a conversation while I admired the view. There were kids running around with their parents watching them to make sure they don't get hurt. I saw old couples feeding the birds, or just walking around.

For some reason it made me happy. Back at home, this is all you would see. I didn't grow up in the wealthiest family, but I had food on the table, and a roof above my head everyday, so I wasn't complaining. The city itself wasn't small at all, but in the area where I live is a small community where there's no judgement.

Sure, there's a few crimes here and there, but nothing too serious. In that moment is when I realized that I missed home. I missed my family, friends, responsibilities, etc.

Somewhere through out life, I've had challenges. Many. Yet I'm no longer suicidal, or depressed at this point. I'm not the happiest either. I'm okay. I'm living. I'm eating. I have everything I need in order to survive, so I'm not taking anything for granted.

I've been told I'm a very complex person, yet I don't see how so. I'm stubborn, determined, manipulative, and maybe even a bit rude. It all just came crashing down at some point.

I'm not the prettiest, smartest, funniest, fanciest, girlie, etc. I knew I wasn't, but that's what I liked the most about myself. I was unique.

I didn't always get guy's attention. Crystal has always been the prettiest. She also has the best body. She has a thick body, which made every guy drool over her. She's the center of attention, and didn't have to try in order to be noticed. I, on the other hand, had to speak louder. It wasn't the easiest thing, but it also wasn't impossible. Nevertheless, I've always been struggling.

At some point, we went back to the hotel, and met the boys in a room. I wasn't in the mood for a movie, which was weird.

I was feeling hungry for some reason.

"Does anyone want to go and eat something with me?" I asked politely, but I was instead being shushed rudely.

"I'll go. I'm kinda hungry, too." Aaron joined me.

We went into the lobby, and headed to the candy table where junk food was all over the place. We immediately pigged in.

"Oh my gosh! I feel like I'm about to pop in any second." I commented making him laugh.

"Same, I feel pregnant." He exaggerated, rubbing his belly.

We kept joking around, until we got sent back to our rooms for being "too loud."

We parted ways, and I went back into my room. I took a shower, and got ready for bed. I decided to walk out into the balcony. I stared at the enchanting stars in the sky. They were beautiful.

"Hey." A male voice behind me talked, scaring me.

I then realized it was Jackie.

"Oh my goodness, you scared the shit out of me." I said clutching my heart, making him laugh.

"It's not funny, you bastard!" I yelled playfully.

He held his hands up in defense before sitting next to me.

"So what brings you here to my lovely, lonely, room?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"Well, Aaron came back, but without you. We were about to start playing truth or dare, but I came to see if you wanted to join." He explained.

"No, I'm good, thank you though." I replied politely.

"What were you doing out here before I came?" He asked.

"I was looking at the stars. They're beautiful." I answered.

"Yeah, they are, but I know something more beautiful." He whispered.


"You called. What's up?" I asked, getting into his car.

"I wanted to show you something." He told me.

He started the engine, and sped off into the freeway. We were illegally driving, but we took the risk. We were that adventurous. We jammed out to songs that we both loved. Suddenly, he stopped at a cliff, and he got out before opening my door. We sat down near the edge, and enjoyed the view.

"They're beautiful." I commented.

"Yeah, but I know something more beautiful." He said looking at me.

"If we ever separate, and you feel lonely, just look at the stars and think of me. There's going to be a specific one out of all of them that glows the most. That's going to be me." He told me.

*end of flashback*

-Jackie's point of view

Brandon looked at me confused.

"Like what?" She asked curiously.

"You have no idea." I responded, looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

"May I know what?" She asked.

"It's complicated. You see, that certain beauty that I see, doesn't acknowledge what I think." I answered, careful with my words.

"Really?" She asked curiously.

"Really. If you were able to see it from my point of view, you'd never want to take your eyes off that certain beautiful thing." I replied.

"Wow. That must really be beautiful. When you talk about it, your eyes light up, and your smile grows wider." She pointed it.

"It really is." I replied with a hint of emotion.

You really are.

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