Hear Me

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When a person or someone always kicking you or pushing you away and telling you to leave and get out my life .

Leave .

And ...

Come back .

And if that scenario happens again .

Leave and come back .

Crazy right ?

Why ?

Easy .. You . At least do your best and did everything to fix it ..and if it happens to the point that your giving up .

Rest . And take another shot .

Until the pain will fade and that's the time .. You leave ..seriously and don't ever come back .

'Coz i rather be in pain where in i did my very best rather than i live in pain with regret .

So .. Before ending some relationships hear them out first and it's on you if you gave them another chance .

I regret the day that he and i are breaking each others heart out and that's the worst nightmare 'coz i seriously didn't had a chance to explain and say what i really feel about him .

He . Did . Not . Hear . Me .

And it's killing the hell out of me .

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