Chapter 8: One and Only

Start from the beginning

"Hey." I say walking up to him and give him a soft kiss.

"Someone's happy!" he says, grabbing my hands.

"Yeah, cause I get to be with you in my favorite class." I say gazing in his eyes.

"Nice to know I'm loved!" Clove says grinning.

Mrs.Gregory walks up the stage and starts talking about our next assignment. I am excited because today we are preforming our duets. Earlier in the week, she told us to find a partner and sing a duet together.  Finnick and I have been practicing all week. He isn't a bad singer, but I am better! 

"Okay! Today you will preform your duets! This will give me a good opportunity to see who has good chemistry so I can choose your acting assignments next week! Okay, first we have Cassie and Mikayla." Mrs.Gregory says.

Many duets come up to the stage. Some are actually pretty good, but most of them are bad. You can tell the kids who came here for acting, and the kids who came here for singing. Finally, Finn and I take the stage. We start playing our guitars. We are singing 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calleit. He starts the song off and I follow with my lines, then we both sing the chorus. We sound good together!

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been, where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again.

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

We sing with smiles on our faces. My smile grows ten times bigger because the next part is Finns favorite. He looks right in my eyes and sings.

So I'm sailin, through the sea

to an island where we'll meet

you hear the music fill the air

I put a flower in your hair

He finishes and I sing the next verse.

Though the breezes through the trees

Move so pretty you're all I see

As the world keeps spinning 'round

You hold me, right here, right now

We repeat the chorus. We finish the song, still locked in each others eyes. We don't even notice the crowd cheering. We get up, and walk off the stage hand in hand. 

"You were amazing!" I say as we take our seats.

"Please! You took my breath away! Have I ever told you that you're perfect?" he says, putting his arm over me.

"No, this is the first!" I joke and give him a peck on his lips. 

Class is dismissed and I meet up with Clove and Glimmer. I hug Finn goodbye. and the girls head to Glimmers'.

"You guys were so good! By far the best two up there today!" Clove says.

"Oh please!" I deny

"Seriously! You guys were so cute up there! You guys were looking at each other, like you two were the only two people in the WORLD!  Isn't that soooo romantic!?" Glimmer gushes.

"It was pretty romantic." I say blushing.

We get to Glimmers room and put our bags on her couch. Her room is completely pink, of course. She runs into her closet and comes out with a huge container filled with make-up.

"Is that a suitcase full of make-up?!" Clove whispers in my ear. 

"I think so! Who needs that much!" I whisper back.

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