Chapter 1: Moving On

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Melody Johnson

"So, how are you hanging in there?" Leslie asked as I dropped my spoon into the empty yogurt paper cup.

We were at Yogurtland.

"How do you think?"

"I know Prodigy is upset at you, but trust me, he'll get over it."

"Says everyone, but Prodigy hasn't shown it. I really think I should just give up on it, you know? Like, honestly, what's the point?"

"It's only been two days, Mel."

"Two days too long. You don't understand how it feels to crave someone, who doesn't want you. Roc has always wanted you. No matter what."

"No... There was that one time- no, wait he- Okay, so what? Prodigy loves you! He'll come around."

I stared at the empty yogurt cup, "I'm going to get another cup. This time, in a large. Maybe it'll freeze the pain."

"But Melody..."

I got up and headed for the cashier to take my order.


I looked up and got hooked onto his gaze, "Hi..."

"I'm Kyle."


"Can I just say that you are... um, you're very beautiful?"

I blushed idiotically, "Thanks."

He smiled and looked almost nervous. If only he knew that I was just as nervous as he was. There was a silence between us as we just looked at each other.

"Can I take your order?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure," I said with a nod.

"So... what would you like?"

"Oh. Um, I- I think I'll just have a large cup of Twilight Chocolate NSA."

"Whoa, why so much?" He said punching in my order into the register.

"Well, I don't really like talking about it."

He looked up at me and leaned on the register, "Who is he?"

"It's... personal."

"Okay... well, how about I take you out and we can get to know each other on a personal level?"

"Here's the problem with that idea... I'm only in town for the night."

"How come?"

"I'm kind of on tour with a few celebrities."


"Mindless Behavior, Jaden Smith, Jacob Latimore."

"Oh... well, you better get ready, because it's hard to see all of Atlanta in one night."

"...I'm assuming no isn't an option."


"Well, if that's the case, sure... I'll go out with you."


I wrote my number down on the receipt and he stuck it in his pocket, "So, still in the mood for that large yogurt cup?"

"Yeah... pretty much."

He laughed, "Well, alrighty then."

He handed me the cup and I went to go make my frozen yogurt treat. I got back to my seat and Leslie was smiling at me.

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