Chapter 8 Unregretful Mistake

Start from the beginning

"Please ignore her", Blaise said as he moved to stand in front of his annoying girlfriend, and he ended up getting a slap to the back of the head. "Still love you." He turned his head slightly to send his voice toward her.

Blaise was the first one to notice Draco heading down the stairs, followed by Pansy seeing him next, and Hermione last. Probably because her back faced the staircase.

"Pansy, I think some breakfast would be great right now. Let's go!", Blaise said and started pulling her toward the kitchen.

The two of them stood in silence, and he was relieved that she didn't freak out and run screaming through the apartment. A nice civil conversation will be good. "I just want you to know that I didn't use you last night. I know you're engaged to Weasel..", and once again she glared at him for the nickname. "Old habits die hard, Granger", he said as he noticed her glare, and returned to the subject. "I never intended for that to happen, so put all the blame on me. I just hope you don't hate me for it, and I hope it doesn't destroy your relationship with Weasley."

She sat down on the sofa as the words sunk into her head. Draco was trying to change from his school self, and become a mature adult, because she was right. They weren't kids anymore. "I can't just do that, Malfoy. I can't act as though last night's events never took place. It takes two people to do that, and I was part of it. Look, I just need to have some time to myself, and some space. I don't know how the training is going to work out, but...", she paused and tried to find the words to say. "I just need some space."

* * *

    Draco awkwardly walked into the kitchen as his two friends tried their best to stay out of it. "How could I have been so stupid?", Draco said and slammed his fist on the counter which startled his friends.

  "Hey... you were drunk.."

  "That's not an excuse, Blaise. I'm still in the wrong doing", he said as he looked down at his clenched fists. This never would have happened if Draco had simply just stayed home like he had originally planned, but things never seem to go along with his plans.

"You probably don't even remember what fully happened last night. How hammered were you?"

  "..but I do remember, and I think it's haunting me."


  Hermione was on her third Firewhisky when she figured that it was time to stop, but suddenly she noticed a figure sit down beside her. "You look like you're having the time of your life...", he said as she moved her finger around the rim of the glass. Which caused it to make a unique sound. "Tell me, what's going on in your boring life."

  "Glad to see that some things never change..", but she turned her head to see that he was actually listening.

  Two drinks later, and the two basically laughed as they spoke, even though there was nothing to laugh about. "May I have his dance, my lady?, he said as he bowed and held out his hand out, to which she gave him a weird glare. "What? Your friends are clearly having the time of their lives while you're sitting here moping around. Live a little, Granger."

  Hermione and Draco probably looked like idiots in everyone else's eyes as they danced in their drunken states, but suddenly Hermione lost her balance and started to tumble toward the ground. Draco's first thought was to wrap his arm around her waist to catch her from falling, but things didn't go as planned as they both went tumbling toward the ground.

  He stared into her eyes as she laid on top of him, but she soon started to lean in, and the words that left her mouth would haunt him forever. "I like that you've changed Draco. You're not the same person you were during Hogwarts", she paused for a moment and smiled at him. They didn't even care that people were dancing around them with the possibility of stepping on them. "You don't hit me like Ron does."

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