Title: M

Word count: 199

Inspired by?: a movie called M. It's about a child killer.

Notes?: Tw death, murder, killing, etc.


I remember nothing.
I don't remember the screams
The cries for help
The sobbing and the tears.
I do remember the feverish, dream-like state
That propels me to do these things
Moving like I am underwater
Water flooding my ears and eyes
Until I black out
And all I see in front of me is it.
Eyes glazed, skin cold, dotted with red
And I run
But my limbs are lead
Weighed down by the crippling guilt
That half an hour ago, a child was alive,
The child that now lies dead because of me.

I remember everything,
My many crimes,
Some of them murder,
But nothing excuses this monster.
A man who takes the life of a child
An innocent, helpless child
Must be stopped.
I am far from the law
Maybe the farthest you can be,
But for once in my lawless life
I will take a stab at lawfulness
To ensure he never stabs again.

I will remember everything,
But remembrance does nothing,
Nothing but rip open the wounds
So carefully stitched by funerals.
I lay to rest my grief
In favour of advice
Please keep a closer watch,
All of you!

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