The view I saw in front of me was the last that I expected.

"We are in...." I said, not sure if what I saw was real.

"MIAMI BIATCH!!" Sam shouted so loud that the others woke up.

If looks could kill Sam would be dead by now.

"Oops sorry guys, but you really need to check out the view" he said.

Both Blake and Jai moved to a seat next to the window to look.

"Wow this must be a dream".

I couldn't believe it myself either.

When the plane finally landed safely on the ground, we all stood up from our seats and gathered our things in our bags.

Because we weren't on an official plane but a private one there was no gate for us so we had to walk down from a small stairway which was attached to the plane.

I was glad that I decided to wear a t-shirt this morning because the sun was burning hot on my skin.

I think that the timing we went to Miami wasn't really helping because it was summer and that meant that the temperature was high.

Drops of sweat were forming on my back and I was hoping that the rest of our trip to our houses will go fast.

Half an hour later we sat in two taxi's which were bringing us to our final destination. Or I hoped so.

Unfortunately the taxi stopped in front of the police station.

I groaned because the last thing I wanted to do right now was sit at a police station and listen to whatever they were going to tell us.

I know that there was no way of getting out because it was the police and we owed them so much because they didn't choose to give us all the blame about the drugs case.

Another fifteen minutes later and we all sat around a table waiting for an officer or anyone to come and talk to us.

"What do you think that they want from us?" Jai asked, looking around the table at each of us.

"Maybe they want to be sure that we know about the rules and some more. I have no idea at allllll" Blake replied and we laughed about his over exaggerating.

A second later a police officer walked in and we all shut our mouths closed.

"Hello guys, so I guess you're all wondering what you're doing here..." he started, looking around at each of us.

"Maybe you thought that we are so dumb to let you just go on with your lives without thinking back about the past... well I'm sorry to tell you but that's not going to happen".

Now we were all ears to about what the officer was going to tell next.

"Since you guys owe us big time, we have an opportunity for you to do something for us".

"And that is?" Jai asked.

"You are going to work undercover for the police".


It was silent for a long moment, but then Sam finally broke the silence.

"What do you expect from us to do during this job?".

"Well because of your ages and good looks you don't stand out in the middle of all those students. We want you guys to find out about illegal parties that are hosted and actually go to these parties and befriend the people there. It's really hard for us to find out more about these gangs" he explained and we all nodded in comprehension.

"So what do you think about it?"

"Are you in?" he asked and he held his hand out in the middle of us.

We all put our hands on his and shouted together.

"We are in!!"

"MIAMI BIATCHH!!" Sam shouted and we all started laughing, even the police officer was laughing.

This year was going to be so much fun.

Want to read more? You'll find the second book on my profile

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