Anna silently continued her glower at him until he held up his hands defensively.

"Look, Would it help if I apologize for acting like an ass this morning when I had no right to?" He asked as he dropped his hands.

Anna jutted out her hip and put her hand on her hip as she cocked an eyebrow at him.

"And what about Leon?" She asked in a huff.

"I will not apologize for that," He said as he wagged a finger at her. "Because I have no idea about what happened to him."

Anna tried extremely hard not to laugh at his completely schooled innocent tone and facial expression, but failed miserably. He grinned at her as she shook her head at him.

"You are impossible," She laughed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and turned them into in the direction of his truck.

"Alright, lets go home, roomie," He chuckled as he gave her shoulders a squeeze.

He let her go once they reached his truck and opened the door for her.

"I still think you punched him" she said softly as her eyes dropped to his right hand, and noticed a few knuckles were red even in the dim street lights. Kurtis gave her a smirk, put his hand in his jean pocket but didn't respond as she got into the passenger seat. He got in the truck and started their way home.

"So what did you do for two hours while you waited for me," Anna teased as he turned down his radio.

"Oh you know, read the news, text a few people, made some plans for the night," He said with a shrug. "And possibly the next year, but I think I can wiggle out of those."

Anna laughed and shook her head.

"Deserves you right for being a hot headed male," She taunted as he turned onto their street.

He looked over at her and cocked an eyebrow as they began to close in on their driveway. "Oh is that right missy?"

"Well maybe you will think twice about telling me what to do," She chuckled. "Maybe next time I'll let you wait for 4 hours."

"Do that, and you will find out how hot headed male I can be," He challenged as he pulled into their driveway.

"Oh?" Anna challenged back. "Wanna fight about it tough guy?"

"I don't think you would stand a chance little girl," He retorted as he shut his truck off.

"Oh I think I could totally whoop your ass," Anna grinned at him as she unbuckled her seat belt.

"Don't tempt me Anna," He grinned back with a small growl in his voice as a thrill ran through her. She watched his eyes glitter in the porch lights of the four plex as she felt her heart beat pick up.

She quickly punched him in the shoulder and cocked her eyebrow at him. He stayed still for a moment before he lunged across the truck and grabbed her by the thigh and began to pull her across the truck towards him. Anna shrieked slightly as she fought her way from him with laughter as she managed to get the truck door and jump out. She heard him curse as he realized he was still buckled in as she shut her door and sprinted across the front lawn. She let out a small amount of mad laughter as he scrambled out of the truck and hit the button for it to lock up as he stalked towards her like an animal hunting its prey. She felt her heart beat spike as she watched him advance on her before she turned and took off for their shared backyard. She heard his footsteps come pounding up behind her before he snagged her by the waist and popped her off the ground.

Anna yelped as she fought back laughter and tried her best to get herself free as he casually tossed her over his shoulder. Anna laughed like a mad women as he packed her back towards the front door, with her hanging over his shoulder and his strong arm clamped over the back of her knees.

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